the story begins

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We arrived my family and I did not settle fast it was a fun afternoon takeaway.
My brother and I went to explore in Little there was a soccer team training and if it was there where she was Amber

the captain of the junior team did not have to tell me anything I knew I was very in love that day my brother entered the team I could not go because I lost my training shoes so I could only see what bothered me at all was seeing the most beautiful girl in my life and playing soccer.

All night spent thinking about her I only heard her name from coach Amber the girl who did not mind getting wet or dirty, she had beautiful curly hair, black colors, intense brown eyes that killed me, that day I was completely happy to trash the money

Only with see did I know that I was very happy, my brother trained very well that day, everyone was very surprised and the next day we went to school he was excited, he really didn't feel that something good was about to come.

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