Chapter Two

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BOOK 2: Chapter Two
City Of Walls and Secrets

Azula and Lui were pinned against each other since childhood. The two girls had drastically different personalities, interests, talents, and aspirations.

Yet, Lui had to admit Azula's idea in impersonating the captured Kyoshi Warriors was genius.

Lui had only approached the group during the battle's aftermath. A few warriors remained knocked out on the ground, while others were ushered into the hands of Fire Nation soldiers. She drifted from the battle site, noticing large clumps of white fur stuck in the bushes and low-hanging trees. She chuckled to herself remembering the debate she had with Ty-Lee and Mai a few days ago about whether they were bundles, bunches, or clumps.

The Princess was unsure of where or what the hair was coming from—Azula enjoying that it was a secret. She was aware of the run-in's between her sister and the Avatar and could only assume it had to do with them. Although, the Avatar's flying-pet lemur definitely didn't shed this much.

As a child, Lui collected an impressive amount of dolls—all gifted by her infamous Uncle Iroh. Everywhere he traveled and claimed for the Fire Nation, he always sent his nephew and nieces' gifts. Zuko had a growing collection of melee weapons, while the girl's got dolls.

Lui loved her dolls, despite her sisters' dismay.

The last doll she received from him was a Kyoshi Warrior doll. If she closed her eyes, Lui could easily remember the looks and feel of it. Unlike her other dolls, the Kyoshi Warrior was large and heavy. The wool inside felt like weights to her frail child arms as she dragged it through the Fire Nation Palace's halls.

Lui loved that doll—even after Azula burnt its headdress off, the young girl still favored it over her others.

Despite favoring the Fire Nation, red was Lui's least favorite color. It was overwhelming and nauseating to her, while the emerald green and golds of the Ba Sing Se felt rich and powerful.

Carefully Lui inspected her appearance—the Kyoshi Warrior garments were heavier than they appeared. The Princess puffed her chest out, rolling her shoulders back to stand straight and tall.

The teen was eager to roam the streets of the city and appearing as a Kyoshi Warrior was the perfect disguise.

She had no idea how any Earth Kingdom citizens would react seeing her in plainclothes amongst the city. But it would be better than scouring the streets as a peasant.

The Princess scored herself one last look in the mirror, admiring the ensemble—even the cascading braid down her back (courtesy of Ty-Lee). She looked so much like a real Kyoshi Warrior. With a newfound confidence, Lui exited the bathroom and into the main room.

"Where are you that?" Mai's tone surprisingly wasn't bored or monotone, it had an underline of amusement. For the first time that day, she was intrigued in something.

Lui adjusted the thick shoulder pads of the uniform again, "I am going to explore the city."

"Sister, I think it would be better if we waited for Father's new orders—don't you?" Azula glanced up from her collection of Earth Kingdom scrolls. Lui knew not to back down from her sister, it was all part of her manipulation. Lui knew she was older—she was going to become the first female Fire Lord one day, and no way could she allow Azula to talk down to her anymore.

"I think exploring the city would do no harm in our mission. Besides—" Lui leaned to talk eye level to her sister, knowing she had the upper hand. "I think it will be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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