CH. 육

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Sera lead the Sins into her bedroom and she told them to sit on the floor.

"What? No!" Renjun denied but Sera glared at him.

"Sit." She ordered and he immediately sat down.

"Okay what the hell are you guys?" She asked the question that he's been bugging her the entire time.

"We're the Seven Deadly Sins." Doyoung replied and Sera's eyes widened.

"You mean like, Lust, Envy, Greed, that sort of thing?" Sera asked them and they all nodded.

"Why are you here?" She asks the second question.

"We're here to help you." Doyoung said and Sera burst out laughing.

"You? Help me?" She said in between the laughs and all the Sins sigh.

"That's what we said when we were sent here." Donghyuck told Sera.

"Wait what do you mean sent?" Sera asked in confusion.

"Lucifer sent us here to help you as our punishment." Jungwoo replied.

"Okay wait slow down, what punishment?" Sera asked.

"We kinda trashed Lucifer's throne room and he got pissed at us." Donghyuck said and Renjun started protesting.

"I did not do anything it was all you and Johnny!" Renjun argued.

"Oh yeah well if you didn't do anything why are you even here?" Johnny asked.

"GUYS SHUT UP!" Sera said and they all became quiet.

"Thank you," She thanked them, "So you said Lucifer sent you to help me. Why me?" She asked and the Sins shrugged their red shoulders.

"We were wondering the same thing and thought you knew." Doyoung said sincerely.

"Well I don't." She tell them, "You guys gotta introduce yourself so that I know which Sin is which and what to call you." Sera asks and the Sins nod.

"So I'm Doyoung. I'm envy." Doyoung said and Sera nodded.

"Okay I'll remember you 'cause you look like a bunny." Sera said which made all the sins laugh except for Doyoung who was trying to convince them he wasn't a rabbit.

"I'm Johnny and I'm pride." He said and Sera nodded.

"You kinda look like this Asian American vlogger from Chicago. Jonathan I think his name was." She said.

"I'm Jungwoo and I'm gluttony." He said.

"I'll remember you because you have cute chubby cheeks and that's going to remind me of people who eat a lot." Sera said and all the Sins started teasing an embarrassed Jungwoo.

"I'm Donghyuck and I'm greed." Donghyuck told her.

"The only reason I'm going to remember you is because you called my brother hot." Sera said while scrunching up her face in disgust.

"He is hot though." Donghyuck said and Ten started fake crying which caused Donghyuck to tell him to shut up.

"I'm Ten and I'm lust." Ten said with a wink.

"I'm just going to remember you as the short one." Sera said and everyone laughed at the statement of Sera.

"I'm Renjun and I'm wrath." He said.

"You kinda remind me of this Chinese Kpop idol named Runjen so that's how I'm going remember you." She said.

"A Kpop Idol? I could never." Renjun muttered.

"I'm Taeil and I'm sloth." Tail told the girl.

"You look like you give good cuddles so that's how I'll remember you as sloth."

"I've never gotten 'looks like you give good cuddles' before but I'll take it." Taeil replied.

"Now that I know all of you," Sera started, "How exactly are you going to help me? You're literally the Seven Deadly Sins."

Doyoung threw up his hands in the air, "Exactly what we asked Lucifer but Lucifer just told us to do it if we ever wanna go back in hell." Doyoung explained.

"So you don't know how to help me?" Sera asked them.

"No we do. We come prepared." Renjun said

"Okay explain how you're going to help me?" Sera asked.

The demons explained how they were going to use what they were good at to help Sera. Surprisingly Sera nodded along actually liking the idea.

"Okay that sounds possible. But you guys gotta remember, I have depression. I constantly think about depressing stuff, how is eating well and sleeping going to help that, no offense." She said and motioned towards Taeil and Jungwoo who both muttered "None taken."

"Maybe if you feel said we can try to see how we can help?" Renjun asked and Sera nodded.

"Okay, is I tell you what's bothering me you guys will try to fix it?" Sera asks and the Sins nod.

Sera shrugs, "Seems legit."

"Once I've been cured, you guys can return to hell?" She asks.

"Yeah pretty much." Doyoung said and Sera nodded.

"Okay chop chop! Time to cure my depression!" Sera announced.

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