part - 1

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This Night.
I'm Laying on my bed with despair. 
The Electricity supply has cut.
I'm hearing the sound of water drops from the window that is placed just beside me. I'm getting extremely annoyed by the sound.
The sound of Thunder.
The flash of lightning. 
Sweat drops gradually sliding on my body because of the risen heat.
Slight cool breeze brushing my body . And you know ? That is irritable too.

And I'm thinking that I'm the only only one who is feeling extremely irritated with the environment took place around me.
I was groaning in irritation,  while the others are sleeping peacefully. 
I don't understand how these people sleep , even when a mini-storm is happening outside.

I can't sleep . So I woke up from the bed. I simply strolled in the dark house and lit a candle . It's not like any scene from a horror movie , but I did not find anything scary at all. Lol.

I sat on the couch in the living room which is placed beside the Hall window.  I can still hear the sound of rain pouring down. I slowly reached my hand for my mobile phone . Yesssss and i got it.


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