Meet my parents

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Jasmine's POV
"Jasmine come on we're leaving!" My dad yelled as I was trying to finish eating.

"Coming dad!" I yell as I finish stuffing my pancakes in my mouth and I ran downstairs nearly falling along the way. "Ow!" I whisper as I hit my knee on the steps. I got down the stairs alright but I had a bruise, oh well.

"Bye mom love you" I said to my mom as she held out my money so I could go shopping while my dad was at work.

"Please be more careful coming down the stairs next time." She said which made me laugh.

I nodded and ran to my dads red Ferrari and checked my phone. I got a text from Brandon, his text are so cute.

From Brandon: I need to talk to you!

To Brandon: what's wrong baby?

I was worried, is he gonna break up with me? NO we've been dating for 5 months he wouldn't do that to me, would he? I just started to stare out the window watching the birds fly when my dad snapped me out of my trance.

Brandon's POV:
I have to tell her that I'm dating Sarah, Sarah's her best friend, she's going to kill me if she found out I was cheating on her. I love her but I love Sarah more than her, this will ruin my life her dad is famous and so is her mom. I'm such an idiot, and I have to tell Sarah that I'm cheating to.

To Jasmine: I need to talk to you!

From Jasmine: what's wrong baby?

I can't believe this is so hard! What am I gonna do? I decided to call my friend Alex and tell him.

"Hey Alex I gotta talk to you it's really important!"

"What's wrong is Jasmine hurt" he asked, well at least not yet she's not hurt "dude what happened?"

"She's not hurt...yet I-I-I I'm cheating on her with Sarah!" Silence,"bro don't tell anyone, swear?"

Silence, he hung up crap! He's gonna tell her everything! I was so frustrated about this!

Jasmine's POV:
"Jasmine, were here you can get out now." This snapped me out of my trance and I jumped.

"Sorry dad I was just thinking." I unbuckled and walked in the studio. I already saw this guy Sawyer, he was a singer and he was pretty good. I punched him playfully in the shoulder causing him to flinch.

"Hey you little brat" he said and I turned around and stuck out my tongue, we always played around like this.

"Dad I'm going out shopping....I'll bring you back something!" I said as I walked out the studio.

Walking around was really fun except the paparazzi, they always asked if I was dating Taylor. Taylor was a actor who I worked with for a movie and we kissed, I don't like him, I told the paparazzi this but they don't believe anything. I saw a really cute looking shop that I've never seen before, I walked in and I smelled something like burned paper. I got the creeps and ran out hoping no one saw.

As I was walking I noticed a couple kissing but WAIT THATS MY BOYFRIEND! I waited till they were done and texted him....

To:Brandon: hey where are you?

From Brandon: at home with my dog, why?

Oh no he is not cheating on me, I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and I said "hey you dirty lying jerk, I hate you so much Brandon!" He just stood there in shock.

"Wait I can explain" I just kept walking to the studio crying along the way. Oh great paparazzi are noticing, they started asking questions about what happened.

"Did you just have a cat fight"

"Are you two done being a couple"

"Does this mean no more Brandon"

"LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE!" I said trying to walk faster.

I got to the studio and I just barged in and tried not to draw attention, I walked past sawyer in the booth singing his new song "so you say" and he saw me. I said "shhhhh" I didn't notice I was crying but he did.

"Hey Jassy are you okay?" He said as he hugged me.

"N-n-no B-ran-don cheat-ed on m-m-e." I said in between sobs, I just kept crying into his chest. Don't worry he is 22 so nothing going on between us.

"It's okay, he's a jerk anyway, don't let it get to you."

"Thanks Sawyer, I'm going to go to the boardwalk and maybe go surfing or skate boarding, okay?"

He nodded and I went to the bathroom to clean up my gross face, I wet a paper towel and wiped my mascara off. After I was done I made sure I had my wet suit in my dads car, I did. I started walking to the boardwalk and bunches of people started to stare probably wanting to know where my dad was.

I changed into my wet suit and I was walking to the surf shop where my dad keeps my surf board and I felt someone touch my arm. My reflexes kicked in and I swung around smacking the person In the face, afterwards I realized I smacked Brandon.

"Sorry" I say walking right past him and go the the shop.

"Can I have Jasmine Brooke's surfboard please?"

The woman nodded and handed me my red/orange board. I was walking down to the water with my board under my right arm. I started to sprint to the water when I heard someone talking about me.

"Why is she even surfing, she's a nasty ugly piece of crap."

"Excuse me!" I scold as I stop dead in my tracks, it was this girl about my age and just as tall as me.

"You heard me." She spat back. "Your so ugly and don't deserve a life like yours!"

"My life is just how I want it..... Just leave me alone.......bye!" I didn't want to start a fight so I just calmly handled the situation.

I sprinted the rest of the way until I got my thighs in the water, then I laid on my board and started to paddle out farther. I got out pretty far and a big wave was coming I didn't think I could make it but I tried to surf it anyway, bad mistake.

I felt me go under and I tried swimming up but I couldn't, I kept tumbling and then everything went black.

"Go get help!" Someone yelled, I could hear the people around me but couldn't move or open my eyes. I felt someone's hands on my chest and then I came to.

*cough* *cough* I coughed up water and pain shot through my arm, it must be bruised or something. I felt a warm hand on my wrist and pull. I stood up weakly and tried to walk I stumbled, then the same guy wrapped my arm around his shoulder giving me support. Man this guy I c-u-t-e.

"I'm Lucas Williams, you took a hard fall, luckily I was there."

"Thank you, can you stop by the surf shop so I can get my clothes?" I said staring into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Sure and your welcome." He let go of my arm, which didn't hurt nearly as bad now.

I walked to the shop and got my clothes, but before I could change I have to take a shower. "I'll be in the shower, bye and thanks again Lucas!"

"Here take this." It was his number ahhhhh I really like this guy a lot!

I walked into the shower room and turned on the water to hot and hopped in, hopefully no one comes in. I was done and I dried of then put on my clothes and walked outside.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked me.

"Yes thank you though."

I was walking back to the studio and when I got there something big happened.

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