Meeting Part 2

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I don't know where I found this image. It's not mine. Also I couldn't think of a name for this chapter and I can't stand it when it says "Untitled part"and I don't know why. I just can't right under these conditions. Anyways let's get started.

Last time on Dragon Ball Z, our heroes faced a terrible crisis. And by our heroes I mean, the useless goddess specifically. We last left off when she was about to get JUMPED by (Y/N).

(Y/N):  Alright! Time to kick some a- butt.

Darkness got in front of Aqua in a defensive position.

Darkness: You can do whatever you want to me but leave my friends out of this!

(Y/N): Good offer but revenge takes top priority.

Darkness: In that case, I, a crusader, will have no choice but to fight you.

(Y/N): 'K.

Darkness takes out her sword

Darkness: Back down already! We already know who's going to win! I'm a crusader!

(Y/N): Your right.

Darkness: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm obviously going to win so give up. Noob.

Kazuma: We don't know anything about him, but he also doesn't know anything about us either. If Darkness fights him then he's sure to reveal his powers.

Darkness lunges at (Y/N). He was about to take out his sword but then he put it back when he realized she wasn't gonna hit him.

Kazuma: How do you miss him from 3 feet away while he's standing still?!

(Y/N): Well... Ok then? 

Kazuma: Megumin! Now!

While (Y/N) was distracted by the distraction, Kazuma and friends left as to not be hurt by the attack while also evacuating the villagers.

(Y/N): Megumin... Where have I heard that name before?

Kazuma: Where's the explosion?

Megumin: I don't know. It should be happening by now.

Kazuma: Don't tell me his power is-

Aqua: Virginity.

Kazuma: This is not the time to be making joke! We're in this because of you!

Aqua: Well he did it to himself!

(Y/N): What are they doing all the way over there? Are they running away?

(Y/N) ran up to them extremely fast. Fast enough to scare the shit out of them.

(Y/N): Well Aqua, where were we?

Aqua: Wait! Wait!

Kazuma sort of gave up at that point and accepted Aqua's fate.

Megmin: Hold it right there!

(Y/N): Huh? You guy have a kid in your party? Messed up.

Megumin: Hey! I'm not a kid! I am the great Megumin! Wielder of the strongest magic, EXPLOSION!

(Y/N): Oh yeah, now I remember. You're supposed to be like Yunyun's sister right?

Megumin: Wait you know her? What are you guys friends, or dare I say, lovers?

(Y/N): No, friends at best.

Kazuma: His entire attitude changed.

(Y/N): Anyways, see ya.

Aqua: Wait, weren't you gonna beat me up?

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I forgot.

Kazuma: IDIOT!

Megumin: If you do that, I'll have-

(Y/N): -no choice but to fight you. It's like Deja vu all over again. Move out of the way Loli.

Megumin: LOLI?!

Megumin sort of became depressed and was sort of on her own crouched in a corner.

(Y/N): Now Aqua, where were we, again.

Aqua: You beat me up!

(Y/N): Well I guess my job here is done.


 And for the first time in history Aqua was useful, but that's overshadowed by how much danger they were in because of her being Aqua.


(Y/N) was getting along with everyone great. By great I mean he was incredibly drunk and flirting with every girl in the vicinity while also playing pimp and helping out some of the shy bois get a girl. It was getting pretty bad.

(Y/N): Oi! Aqua! Wanna 'frick'?

Aqua: Sure!

Author: No.

(Y/N): Oi! Megumin! Wanna 'frick'?

Megumin: I thought you said I looked like a kid. And no.

(Y/N): Oi! Darkness! Wanna 'frick'?

Darkness: How despicable... Sure!

Author: No.

(Y/N): Please write 1 lemon, please!

Author: No.

(Y/N): Oi! Kazuma! Wanna-

Author: Ok fine, I'll consider it. Also nothing gay cause I don't swing that way.

(Y/N): Yes! I wonder who it's gonna be...

Author: If I do write one then it'll be best girl.

Anyways that's it cause I'm too lazy to work anymore (sorry if it's 'too short'). Idk if I will do a lemon, but if I do, you already know its gonna be good. Except I've never written one so it's gonna be poop.

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