Royal Trouble (13)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Zayn with the title comes great responsibility so no more partying, no more sneaking girls in and out of the palace. You need to step up and follow my legacy." Dad said pacing around my room. I looked at him with a bored expression. "Zayn are you even listening to me?"

Snapping out of my dazed state, I look up at him "Yes Dad I was listening to you and I have heard you go over all the rules and protocols a thousand times now. Can I go now?"

He sighed sitting down in front of me, "Have I made a mistake? Was it too early to pass down the crown?"

Groaning I crawl over to him since we were on the bed and put my hand on his shoulder, "No dad, look I understand that being a king is a huge responsibility and I know you are a little stressed but trust me. I have been training for this since I was younger and have watched you for the past five years. I'll be  fine and if I am confused about something I have you."

He looked at me over his shoulder, "You're right, sorry for stressing out on you."

Giving him a gentle smile I stand in front of him, "No partying, no girls, I promise. Now can I go?"

Chuckling he nodded giving me the leave rushing out of the room I head over to Eddie's room. "Yo Eddie, you up?"

I heard some shuffling around in the room revealing a shirtless Eddie, "It's my day off today Zayn,"

Raising my eyebrow at him I say, "Whos in there with you?"

He stubbornly held the door half-closed, "Raya, so you can not come in at the moment."

That means Ellie is alone, "That's not a problem, see you tomorrow."

Eddie looked at me confused, "Wait what did you come here for?"

"Nothing, I have to go, bye Eddie," I yelled back at him running away from his room to the kitchen. but she wasn't there either, knocking on their small apartment door I waited for her to respond. 

"God Raya I have been wai-" Ellie stopped mid-sentence as she saw me. "Zayn? What are you doing here?"

Smirking I say, "Can't I visit my favorite person?"

She scoffed, "Favourite person? Seriously?"

"Look I am not here to fight, Today is the last day I have of freedom before I become dumb busy and Eddie is off today so I thought you and I could go out."

Ellie leaned against the door frame looking up at me, "Go out? With you? No, thank you."

She began to shut the door but I stopped it with my hand, "Please? I know you have a day off today because Raya is in Eddies room right now." 

Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Come on, I promise I won't try anything stupid."

She sighed biting her lip before holding the door open  wider for me to come in, "Give me five minutes, just wait in the living room."

Nodding immediately I did as she said, quickly getting dressed she came out of her room grabbing her bag, "Let's go."

Heading out of her apartment she locked it, "Where are we going anyway?"

"Anywhere you want," I responded back with a huge smile on my face. She looked at me weird,

"Okay...Where were you and Eddie going to go?"

Shrugging I looked forward, "We usually just go to the beach, surf, play volleyball, or just sit and talk."

"Mhm, well then the beach it is, but I suck at playing volleyball and I don't have a swimsuit so..."

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