Not Even a Thank You

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He arrived to her door and knocked.
Luigi couldn't believe he was doing this- but then again, what ELSE could he do? His older brother Mario and himself had just returned from a long journey. A whole TWO MONTHS long, in fact. Two months full of hardly any sleep, hardly any food, hardly any direction. Two months of getting almost killed. Two months without seeing her. That was the most painful part.

Once they finally rescued Princess Peach, all Luigi got was one kiss on the cheek. She didn't even say anything to him. She kissed Mario all over his face, thanked him, then walked over to Luigi, planted one kiss on his cheek, then walked away with the red-clad man. No: 'Thank you for risking your life to save me, Luigi!'. No: 'Thanks for constantly sticking by my side to help me rescue MY girlfriend, Luigi!'. Nothing. It wasn't new to him, though.

Rain was rare in Sarasaland. But, just Luigi's luck, that night it was pouring. Water fell onto his signature green cap, which was quickly soaked.

His heart started to flutter when he heard the doorknob jiggle. He wondered if he had woken her. It was two in the morning, after all. If she even remembered he was gone for so long. His head filled up with doubt, and he wondered if he could hide before she saw him.

As soon as the large castle door creaked open, he heard a gasp and felt strong but delicate arms drape over him. He winced from the pain.
"Luigi!" Daisy cried, squeezing the ex-plumber as tight as she could before she heard his squeaks of discomfort. She stood back to look at him, hands still resting on his shoulders.

Standing before her was a broken man. Blood stained his overalls, and bruises littered his pale face. He didn't dare look at her; he knew her would immediately burst into tears.

"I've been worried sick!" She cupped his fragile face in her hands.
"I-I know... I'm s-" his breathing sharpened. The man could feel the tears building up.
Daisy hushed him. "Come inside, it's pouring. You must be freezing." Her voice was calm and soothing, but that just made Luigi want to cry even more. She took him lightly by the arm and guided him into her living room.

Luigi loved Daisy's castle. Though it wasn't as spacious as Peach's, the auburn-haired princess kept her small palace neat, despite her clutter-ish nature. It made him feel relaxed and cozy. The living room was painted beige, with pictures and bookshelves lining the walls. Daisy's fireplace was lit and the crackling of wood could be heard. Next to her sofa, a small table held a cup of tea. Orange pekoe, which Luigi knew was her favourite. He also knew she took milk, sugar, and a pinch of cinnamon.

Daisy ushered for him to sit on the sofa, and he obliged. "I'm sorry if I woke you," Luigi started, wincing from pain as his body sat down.
"No, no. I haven't been sleeping very well since you left." Daisy replied, grabbing her first aid kit that she kept on the bottom shelf of a bookcase. She sat down next to him, removed his cap, and placed it on the table next to her tea.
"Can I get you anything to eat or drink? You must be starved..."
Luigi's face grimaced as she started applying ointment to one of his cuts. "A-actually, yeah. Could I have some coffee, please?"
"Of course," she said softly. "Don't move a muscle."
"Trust me, I won't." He let out a chuckle, which he regretted once he felt how his ribs reacted.
Daisy hurried out of the room to fix his coffee. As she was gone, he looked around the room from his spot on the couch. Though the room was dimly-lit, he could make out the photographs Daisy had framed and hung around the room. Once was of Peach, Mario, Luigi, and herself smiling and holding a golfing trophy. Another was just of Peach and herself laughing and embracing. Another was of herself and Luigi in a field of daisies. He had taken her there for her birthday. She had loved it, running and dancing through the flowers of which she shared a name. In the photo, Daisy was hugging him, so much so that his feet had lifted from the ground. Her smile was so bright; full of life and never seemed fake. Luigi loved that photo.

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