The Start

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~~A/N: There will be cussing babes, so please, if you get triggered by that don't worry after this story is done, I'm posting a censored version!~~

"Fuck!" You cussed as you dropped yet another box on your toe. You had recently moved to postwick to study under professor Magnolia's wing and help her granddaughter, Sonia, with her study on Galars uncertain history.

Sonia, who was helping you put boxes away, chuckled, " Your foot must hurt after all those boxes you've dropped on yourself, (Y/n)" she said smirking at you.

"Oh shush Sonia, you know I'm a Butterbutt..." You say with a sigh, picking up the box and putting it on your kitchen counter.. You groaned as you unloaded the contents, this may have been the last box to unload, but it was still a pain in the ass. "After moving so many times you'd thinking I'd be used to this..." You groan.
Sonia giggled at you and finished the box she was unpacking, " Moving is always a hassle (Y/n)" she says patting your back.
You role your eyes and finish off the box, "Done... Finally!" You say, this had been the 5th time you had moved with in the span of 3 years. You where a traveling journalist and professor, though this time you planned on settling down, you always loved Galar having visited when you where younger. You never actually lived there, despite always wanting to.

"Nah uh! " Sonia said in a singsong voice, " You've got to go introduce yourself to the neighbors!!! They're throwing a barbeque for you tonight! And I Bet your Mimikyu would love some curry!" She said scratching under your mimikyu's 'chin'. Mimikyu, who was standing on the counter (next to your now empty moving box) chirped as if to agree with Sonia.

"Do I have too?" You groan, being tired from the move, you kinda just wanted to sleep off the aches and pains of moving.. But yet again free food was definitely tempting.
"Yes! You have too! It's a must! Those are your neighbors! You need to get to know them, you anti-social fuck." Sonia said giggling, you sigh giving in. Sonia of course made you change into less lab like clothing, before pushing you over to your neighbors house up the street. You mumble with Mimikyu in your arms, he seemed happy and chirped up at you, despite your bad mood you smiled a little. When you got to the nicely lit house Sonia stopped and turned to you, "This is where I leave you mate! I've got work to do! Good luck!" She said bolting off down the road, you yelled at her to come back. How dare she! You think, but come on Sonia's Sonia!

You grumble some more before sighing, you put on your best smile and peak into the yard. This grabbing the attention of a 14 year old boy with purple hair, he smiled wide at you and bounces over.

"Hi there! You must be professor (L/n)? Right?" He asked his Galar accent prominent.
You blink and nod as to say yes, "Please call me (Y/n)" you say as Mimikyu chirped getting the boys attention.
"Wow! It's a Mimikyu! I've never seen one up close before!" He said waving to the Pokemon, who waved it's fake head back.
"Oh yes this is Patton..  He won't respond to anything else" You say with a small laugh.. The boy just smiled at you.
"My names Hop by the way! You may know me as the champs younger brother!" He said with a proud smile.
"Nice to meet you Hop.. " You laugh at his boasting.
Hop grinned at you and motioned you to follow him. He brought you farther into the yard, where two other teens his age messed around with a sobble and a small scorbunny. There was also two proud looking moms that watch the two, as well as the one and only Champion Leon, who you paid no head to. He was your neighbor.. and you really didn't care that he was champion. He was just another human to you (Despite your small celebrity crush on him).
Hop called over the two other teens that, which caught the attention of the adults watching them and conversating as they did. This made you slightly nervous but kept a big smile on your face. Once the two where close enough Hop quickly jumped on to introducing you.
"Guys! This is Professor (L/n), or (Y/n)!" He said with the biggest grin. "(Y/n) these are my best buds, Gloria and Victor!"
Victor shyly waved at you and Gloria went straight to talking, "Wow! Your gorgeous! Nice to meet you! Oh! And Victor was excited to meet you too!" She giggled, making Victor blush in embarrassment.
You smiled sweetly at her, mostly her brother, "Well it's nice to meet you too, you seem to be very prominent trainers.."
Hop smiled excited at the mention of trainers, " Yeah! They just go their first Pokemon from Lee!! We are now planing on doing the gym challenge!!" He said with a cheer, Mimikyu chirping with him, he just liked to be apart of the excitement, you thought it to be super adorable.
Leon hearing his brothers nickname for him walked over with a charming smile towards you, "Hopscotch, you know you have to be endorsed to participate right?" He chuckled.
"Yeah! Lee! You'll endorsed us right??"  He asked with puppy eyes making you giggle and Leon laugh.
"We'll see, but first you'll have to get a Pokedex." Leon said, he then turned to you with his hand out, " Hi there, my names Leon. You must be Professor (l/n), though your quite young." He chuckled.
You smile at him and nod your head, "Yeah, that's me. You can call me (Y/n), Professor makes me feel old.. and I'm still in my Twenties." You say with a laugh, making Leon smile more.
"Very well the (Y/N) " he said chuckling, by the time you guys had finished introducing your-selfs, the young teens became uninterested and went back to playing with their new Pokemon. It had also been time to eat as Victor and Gloria's mom called out to them Fromm the curry pot, Patton chirped loudly and jump out of your arm and over to the pot, making you chase after him, Leon laughing at the sight.

That Smile ( Leon x reader )Where stories live. Discover now