Your Toxtricitys (and Patton)

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The next day the three younger trainers would start on their journey, you where excited for them,even if you didn't know them well. Despite that fact, you planned to accompany Victor to gym registration anyway, one because you wanted to encourage him in case he tried to back out, and two Sonia wanted to meet down in Motostoke.

But you didn't worry about that, you had already planned on meeting up with Victor later that morning; Him, hop, and Gloria anyway. For now you where chilling on the grass in front of your house, laying on top of you was of course Patton, next to you where your two Toxtricitys you had caught as Toxels, when you last visited Sonia when you where little. You two where cousins, Did I mention that? Probably not. Lo-key and Amp (the nicknames you gave your two baby boys ), cuddled into your side, they where very gentle not wishing to hurt there lovable trainer.

You laid there with your eyes closed, till food steps where heard. You sat up expecting victor but it was Leon, he gave you a smile as he approached. "Good morning (y/n), sorry to bother but have you seen my brother Hop?" He asked.

You blinked, " No I haven't, was he heading this way?" Lo-key nodded as if to say he saw the purple headed teen heading this way not to long ago. Which you sighed and translated for Leon, " Lo-key said he saw a kid head towards the whispering woods"

"Ah that means he was heading to Victor, though its been longer then it probably should have.... Would you mind coming with me? I know you made plans with Victor, it seems hes late." Leon said coming up with an excuse to get you to come along. You giggle and roll your eyes, "Yeah, he is late, so I guess I'll come with. " You said with a smile, getting up you decide to leave lo-key and amp out, though you held Patton in your arms, for he was on your stomach before you got up.
The two Toxtricitys stayed close to you as you walked to Gloria's and Victors house, when you and Leon got there the gate to the Slumbering Weald was open, you looked over to Leon who had a panicked look on his face. This made you panic, you heard from Sonia that this part of postwick was off limits, and it was dangerous to go in there if you where an inexperienced trainer (Like Hop, Gloria, and Victor at this point). Without thinking you bolt into the woods, Leon calling after you as your Pokemon follow in close pursuit. Soon enough you can no longer hear Leon any more as fog covered over you and your Pokemon, who grabbed your shirt to stay close. You heard panicked shouts in the distance, as well as scared whimpering that sounded way to much like Victor.

"Victor!? Gloria? Hop? " You yelled, as you did the fog got worse, a wolf like howl was heard form all sides, as you didn't dare to go any father for the fog had gotten to thick, so thick that you couldn't even see the path in front of you and your Pokemon (which you hoped where still there). You panicked at the sound looking around, the howling got louder till a ghostly figure of a wolf like Pokemon appeared in front of you glowing, allowing you to see a bit better. Amp snarled at the Pokemon and attacked it with one of his poison attacks, which did no damage, no effect, Amp sunk back at this and shook his head with a whimper. You shook in fear as you looked over the Pokemon, but your mimikyu (Patton) didn't seem bothered he tilted his head and squeaked at the wolf, which he got a Howl back in response before the apparatus dispersed into the fog.

 You shook in fear as you looked over the Pokemon, but your mimikyu (Patton) didn't seem bothered he tilted his head and squeaked at the wolf, which he got a Howl back in response before the apparatus dispersed into the fog

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