Chapter 9

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Arra's POV
It had been a couple hours after I brought Caisey to the hospital. She was immediately rushed into surgery to stitch up the wounds the monster had given her.

I was sitting outside of the room waiting for Doctor whale to let me see her. I was out of my mind worried. I wanted her to live. I needed her to live.

Doctor whale came out saying she was going to live. 'Thank god.' I thought. I went inside and saw her all cleaned and stitched up. I was just glad she was alive. I had really taken a liking to the girl.

"Hey Cas." I say. "I know you can't hear me but I wanted to say that I love you like a sister and I would do anything I protect you. No matter he cost. I just need to know your safe at all times."

I can honestly say all the words that came out of my mouth were truthful. I did love her like a sister since I didn't have an actual family, just Regina, Emma, Snow, Henry and Charming, and I did need her to be safe. I needed to know she was safe at all times and I would truly sacrifice my life for her. She would get a chance at a normal life if I did.

Snow, Emma and Henry burst into the room with Charming and Regina close behind.

"We heard what happened and I am so sorry that I let her get out of my sight." Snow apologizes.

"Please tell me she's going to live and that she's alright." Emma says.

"Yes she is going to live and yes she will be alright. She'll just be sore for a couple days." I honestly say. I go back to looking at Caisey, hoping she would wake up soon. Hoping I would see her smiling again.

I would wait here till she wakes up. I don't sleep because every time I do I get night terrors about the monsters I face and seeing Josh burn in front of me, so all night I was by Caisey's side, holding her hand waiting for her to get up. When she did I felt joyous in knowing that she would smile another day. Knowing that she wouldn't be stuck in a coma forever.

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