Chapter 18

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         Karuna Vihar was as elegant as its name. The old building held its vintage charms even after many years. The sentimental affection of the owners felt towards it can be attributed to its grace. Krishna was surprised to find a maid and an old man servant when she arrived at Karuna Vihar. 

Shankar was the old driver who still stayed on payroll of Khannas. Krishna could understand his presence but she was baffled to have an extra help. When she inquired to Mehek, she acted plainly, "Shankar Chacha works for us for long so he is more like part of our mansion. He got too old to manage cleaning by himself. So we kept a lady who comes in the morning to sweep and mop. She cooks too, if needed". 

Krishna was a bit surprised that why they need an additional employee to monitor a well-kept home with two servants. "If you feel she is a nuisance, then fire her", Mehek told plainly but added too, "I hope she will be able to find another job and can take care of her children. Poor lady". Krishna visibly didn't want to distress the hapless woman and didn't take the topic further.

Krishna was sitting before her laptop and attending her online classes. After reaching Karuna Vihar, she had ample time to focus on her studies. Apart from monitoring the maid & helping in gardening, keeping accounts on expense and examining the surroundings with Shankars Dadu; she had little to do. At times she felt Mehek Ma'am has been too benevolent on her. Frequently she feared whether, she had any ulterior motive. But whenever she conversed with Mehek she only felt positive vibes.

Krishna missed Veer but her nightmares were less frequent. She wondered whether he had moved on in his life. Since the thought saddened her, she tried to distract her with studies and work. She knew it was time for her to get over her bitter memories

Finally after a couple of week, some work came by her side. Mehek Madam's family decided to take a break and stay in Karuna Vihar for few days. Krishna ensured that the entire bungalow is prim & proper. She was excited toserve her employer & family but a strange nervousness nagged her as if something unexpected will occur soon.

It was getting late and Mehek Ma'am's family didn't arrive yet. Slowly Krishna started to worry for them. She prayed for their safe journey and waited for them eagerly. The daily maid had to leave for the day and Mehek didn't feel like holding her back. Shankar Dadu stayed back since he wanted to help Khanna family settled comfortably and moreover eager to meet them.

The clock stuck 9 . With a sigh Krishna tried Mehek's phone again but it was still out of coverage. She urged Shankar Dadu to have food or else he may fall sick. The old man refused and decided to wait for his employers. Suddenly sound of a car caught their attention. They both trotted to door to welcome their guests. Shankar walked ahead to the car while Krishna stayed a little behind. Shankar opened passenger seat and Krishna was wide eyed, seeing the person who exited from the car.

"Krishna, my Sweet heart. We are so sorry to be late", Mehek came out of the car and embraced her warmly. Krishna reciprocated to her but was still in shock looking at the man behind Mehek. Sensing Krishna's confusion, Mehek turned back and smiled, "Let me introduce you to this handsome man. Mr Shaurya Khanna, my dear husband". Shaurya laughed at Mehek's antics and side hugged her. He then extended his hand to greet Krishna, "How are you, Krishna? Hope you are happy here". Her palm shivered when she took his hand. His face, sound and poise; the resemblance to Veer is too evident to ignore. Krishna could quickly put two & two together to realise that her employees were Veer's parents.

Krishna gulped hard while processing the information. Soon another car entered the compound, stealing their attention. "Ah! There he is. The real reason of our delay", Mehek exclaimed while waving her hand to the driver of the second car. Krishna trembled when Veer exited from the car.

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