The a let 2: Leonardo's point of view

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3 years Later:

Mrs. June's children's Home

Today was the day me my brothers and the other children here have been waiting for all our lives today was the day that we might finally have a mommy and a daddy of our own and get out of this orphanage but as the days go by i wonder if my real mommy will ever come and get me but then i remeber if she did want us then she would have not have left us here but i guess that is why we are considered orphans because our parents doesn't want us Anymore or just doesn't love us but i can't be sad or look like i am i have to be strong for my brothers no matter how much i feel sad or mad And anyway today might be the day that me and my brothers get adoppted . As i was still in my train of thought i heard someone come to the door and was calling my name at first i ignored it but that didn't help any because the person kept on calling my name i rolled my eyes and got out of my train of thought and turned around to see who was in the room with me when i turned around to face the person my little brother Michelangelo was leaning on the door frame just looking at me he had a little smile on his face and had his hands crossed over his chest we were in an awkward silence which seemed like forever but that silence was broken when mikey finally spoke Mrs june wanted me to come and get you to go down stairs the people will be here in an hour for adoption day and lunch is almost ready when i heard those words i had a big smile began to form on my face not because of lunch but the fact that it woun't be long before a couple come to adopt . I started to walk toward the stairs and was going down them Michelangelo was right behind me when we got down the stairs we headed to the living room to watch Tv with the rest of the kids I sat on the other side of the couch and my other brother Raphael was sitting beside me. as we were all watching Tv the doorbell had suddenly rang and all of us looked away from the tv and looked at the door. the bell rang again so i decided that i would get the door so i got up from the coach and went over to the door i opened it up and standing there were two couples a woman that looked about 20 and a man that looked the same age they both had smiles on their faces and were holding hands they looked down to me and the woman bent down and asked if our guardian was here i nodded my head and i went to find mrs. June as i was i had a bad filling about these people like they could not be trusted but i coulndn't worry about that right now i had to find mrs. June i looked all around the house but could not find her i finally went in the kitchen and there she was in the kitchen making us lunch i went to her side and tugged on her shirt she stopped what she was doing and looked down she had a smile on her face.

" Leonardo what are you doing in here you now you are not allowed to be in here." she said in a sweet but still serious voice.

i looked up at her and said, i know and i'm sorry but there are some strangers at our door looking for you. She looked at me and gave a little sigh.

"OK thanks for telling Me go tell them I am be right there after I clean up the kitchen and also invite them to come inside."

I nodded my head and left the kitchen and was headed over to the door when I got there the couple was talking about something but they stopped by the time I got there and looked at me and gave a dissaproving look I thought you were going to get your guardian you little brat he said he  started to hold up his  arm and was going to bring it down on my face I closed my eyed tight and prepared to have pain come at across my face but it never came I was hesitating to open my eyes at first but I finally had the courage to when I looked to saw that the man had put his arm down and had a big smile planted on his face at first I was confused as to why he had changed expressions so quickly  to angry and was going to hit me  but i unerstood after  I felt a hand on my shoulder when I turned around to see who it was I gave a yelped a little then gave a  sigh of relief when I saw who the Peron was it was Mrs.June. she gave a little smile to me and told me to go in the living room with the other kids so they can talk I did as I was told and ran back to the living room to be with the other children I have a really bad feeling about this

Teenage mutant Ninja turtles  (my version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora