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It was a rather louring morning. As I left my apartment, I put in my headphones and headed to work. I work as a barista in a coffee shop located downtown. Although I do not enjoy my job, it allows me to pay for college. It was my roommate, Elise, who convinced me to apply for the position, since she thought it would be convenient to work at the same place. She used to be a waitress at the café, but now she is on maternity leave.

Elise... She and I are a very different person. She is so naive. It's like she doesn't see the bad in people. That's how she ended up as a single mother. Sometimes, I feel like she is too innocent for this wicked world.

Now you may call me pessimistic, but I have my reasons. I grew up in a small studio apartment with my mother. Unfortunately, I have no memories about my father, due to him passing away in the early stages of my childhood. It was a stressful period for my mother, raising a newborn and dealing with her husband's death. She began drowning her emotions in alcohol. Thankfully, she realised that she isn't capable of raising a child in a household like ours, so she went to rehab.

I let go of my train of thought as I stepped into the coffee shop. Justin, my coworker for the day was already waiting for me behind the bar.

"Girl, you look worn out. Are you okay?" he said with a small hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm just not really excited about Mondays." I complained.

"You say that about every day of the week!" he teased me. I gave him a slight nod, confirming that his observation was accurate. "Anyway..." he changed the subject. "Are you coming to the protest this afternoon?"

"I have to work the afternoon shift too, in order to be able to help out Elise. I am truly sorry." I sighed. Justin had a disappointed look on his face but he quickly brushed it away. "I understand." he reassured me.

I really wanted to attend the protests, but my work schedule made it difficult to do so. By the time I finish my job, the protesters are already heading home, since the curfew is set so early.

Justin told me about the horrible things the police are doing with the people. He attends protests every day. I sometimes cover his shift, so he could go. I honestly don't mind it. I understand that he wants to fight for the rights of his community.

As midday was approaching, Justin began to leave. "Stay safe!" I waved him goodbye. He waved back and blew me a kiss in the air.

The rest of the day went by quite fast. We had a lot of customers, mainly teenage girls who just "can't live without their daily overpriced coffee" and then proceed to get themselves a sugar filled frappuccino, which has barely any caffeine in it.

I cleaned up the counter and left the shop. It was raining. I put up the hood of my pullover, which turned out to be a bad idea. A protest had just ended and as I passed by it, I raised suspicion in a cop's eye.

Before I knew it, I was tackled down the wet road. I fell on my hands. I felt a sharp pain in my knuckles, as they scratched up against the asphalt.

"Stop resisting arrest! Give me your hands!" the cop shouted at me. I couldn't give him my hands, because he was kneeling on me. His frustration grew and he started yanking my arm. This scraped my hands even more, which made me cry out loud.

Suddenly, the weight of the cop lifted off of me as he got knocked out. I turned on my back to see what happened. A tall figure, fully covered in protective wear towered over me. He kneeled down and inspected my hands. They were dripping in blood and my arms were lightly bruised.

"We have to leave. Now." the mysterious man said and before I could react, he was already carrying me in his arms.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked him, trying to hold back my tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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