Chapter 21 (FINAL)

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I woke up to the normal sound of the beep, beep, beeping. I sat up in my white sheets and got hit by the medicine ish smell of a hospital. I've been here for the last week for what I could remember.

I'm pretty sure the rest are here too but we're not allowed to visit each other. There seemed to be dangerous chemicals in our bodies from heaven knows what, and we're half frozen to death.

I remembered through my grogginess what today was. I looked at the black dress on the bottom of my bed. Before I could dwell on it a smiley nurse came in. "Eat eat!! Today's your big big day!!" She rushed out.

Ugg. I hate the food they serve here. I got a slice of bread and some bad smelling mystery meat that I would have to eat with a spoon. I rather starve. I set it on the floor and shoved it towards the trash can.

Do they want me to be depressed? I laid back on my pillow. I haven't eaten since last breakfast. My stomach growled. I patted it and sat up. I miss American food... As much as I knew the got their food from Mars...

I'm bored too. I can either sleep, stare at the snow, or count the tiles on the ceiling. So far I counted 347 of them. They didn't bring me entertainment because "it wouldn't give me rest." I rolled over.

Tap. Tap tap tap. I looked out my window. Through the frost I saw a familiar face. I opened it quickly letting the two in. "How did you climb to the third floor?" They were putting a chair under the door knob.

"We had to eat in the hospital cafeteria yesterday. We Spider-Maned across to deliver pizza to the poor souls." Aiden grinned. "Why did we order pizza though?" Sam looked annoyed. Aiden shrugged and went on.

He handed me some bread sticks. After I finished the door was flung open. "RUN!" Auden and Sam dashed out and raced away. The nurse looked pissed. "Get dressed! It's time to go..." I felt my heart drop.

Three hours later the service was over. Everyone was sitting in a small room. We all had memories slowly coming back... Red was more upset than most of us. I think she was more affected than the rest because she was more against it than the rest of us..

12 years later

I walked around my house in bare feet. Jude walked by and smiled. I grinned back. I shared a house with a couple of my friends. My bf Jude, my friend Red, my friend Gena, my friend Aiden, my friend Shane, and Snow. Life was alright.

Jude and I got together, Red was dating a nice boy called Avin, and Gena was in a big modeling thing. She's famous in a few states. I got a small job as an animator for a you tube channel and got decent pay. Everyone was happy. Most of us moved away but a couple of us stayed together.

We split our pay to afford a big house. I walked by a closet. Hm.. I opened it not remembering what was in it. Ohh. A large group of papers fluttered down around me. I picked one up.. Oh my... It was a picture of a room with red walls and a large fireplace.

I remember this... I found me on the picture. I was playing cards with VC. The only thing was that I was little. Maybe 12. Not 24. I smiled. I remember those days I spent in fear. I collected all the papers and pushed them back in the closet.

In a corner I saw my old hoodie. I left the closet alone after that.. I switched on the tv to watch a cartoon. I still love them embarrassingly. It was on a news channel. They were filming a castle. "This is where a large group of teen were forced to attack each other."

"Today we are turning it into a museum." I switched the channel. I never need to think of that again.. I saw Red head in the door with her date. The went in the kitchen. I have all what I need right here...

This is my new life...

Hi guys!! So I just finish my Dangan Ronpa book.. Sorry if the end isn't that good. I'm in a car. So yeah! THANK YOU AND KEEP SAFE FROM NORMAL~

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