day 10. the challenge

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scott P.O.V
today afton and I have no work so he thought it whould be fun ti do a challenge I said yes cus if I didn't he wouldn't leave me alone the challenge is that we pick each others outfit for the day I waiting for afton to come back with my outfit I'm scared to be honest he's always trying to get me to were skinny dresses or walk around in my boxers and to day I have no choice,

afton came back with a bag with something in it "here's your outfit scotty~" he said with a evil smile *sigh* I grabbed it and went to the bathroom to get changed

william P.O.V
I picked up my so called outfit it was just a pair out underwear no shirt or anything *sigh* I left the bedroom and looked down the hall scotty was standing there wereing his maid dress and fluffy cat ears I felt something go down my face I went to see what it was my noise was bleeding probably cus scottys so hot~ "hi scotty~"
he said nothing he just stood there blushing I walked over to him and picked him up Bridal Style he blushed more I kissed his head "I love you~"

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