How the Judging Will Work

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Ok, so this is how judging will work! Guest judges and judges, you must read this! Contestants, you may skip this is you choose, but PLEASE READ IF YOU HAVE TIME, as reading it will give you insight on how the competition will work. 

Firstly, after seeing all the covers, and reading the prompt, you will PM me a ranking list of all 25 covers ranked from your favorite to your least! Admins, will do this too from their regular accounts. The average ranking is the most important thing, and will decide the places! 

The second most important is the People's Choice! Contestants and bystanders, this is where YOUR opinion comes in! Each contestant and bystander checking out the contest has 3 votes each round. You can vote on each entry that you like. The idea is that you can vote on your top three as well! The entry with the most votes gets the People's Choice of that round, and CANNOT be eliminated! 

After all entries are submitted, judges will PM the LunarAwards account with their rankings. The rankings will be listed like this:

1. (Place) @LunarAwards (the creator of the graphic you think is first)

and then you will use the same format for all of the graphics until the last one! 

And that's how judging will work! 

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