Chapter 1.

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His feet ran across the metal only leaving a slight echo as his suit shoe met with the solid metal. The dim lights helped him to stay hidden within the shadows as he moved to his needed location. He was dressed in all black apart from a purple symbol growing in he middle of his chest plate and his mask glowing marks. Three round light purple glowing symbols in a slight rainbow line and four lines like whiskers. His tail swaying slightly as he counted his steps with his tail sway. A hood over his mask that never fell down even when he was fighting.

But for now, he stood silent in the hall after hearing a strange noise. He glanced both ways of the hall finding no else but then heard the strange noise again making him glance up to the vents above him. 

Glancing around once more before slowly pushing a vent gate open, sliding it to the side before jumping up, pushing his legs to the narrow hall as he stuck his head looking around.

He blinked behind his mask as it zoomed in on the object making the strange noise ... well it wasnt an object but a baby just wrapped up in a prisoner dark purple shirt and left within the vent.

The strange name to be the baby gurgle making him know what the strange sounds were from before. Moving his tail to move part of the ripped shirt out of the young cub face but freezing as tiny hands grab his tail. 

Tilting his head at the strange cub who giggled when his tail tip wiggled.

"Antok, have you reached the panel" A calm voice spoke over the coms making the blade of Marmora member freeze as he remembered why he was here.

"Antok, Your motion isn't showing you shaking your head or not ... I understand you don't speak much that why we added a motion sensation when we talk to you so I really need a nod" The clam voice sighed.

Shaking his head slightly he quickly glanced down typing something into his arm halo telling his teammate he was on his way, he was about to slide down when a giggle filled his hands as a tiny hands pulled his tail closer snuggling into it. 

Taking a deep breath he jumped down, sliding the vent plate back over the gap before running to the panel at the end of the hall.

Pulling his wrist halo back up, pulling a wire out from his suit arm plugging it into the panel in the wall and hacking into the ship to gain the needed information. 

"Time to go .. Patrol will be upon our stations soon" The calm voice noticing Antok motion nod before running to the meet up point. 

Antok ran without a sound, his big body build low and sticking to the shadows while his tail stayed to his back. Turning round corners, jumping between the halls before pushing up in the hole he popped down before. 

Seeing the ship in the hanger and sprinting the last part before letting the doors close behind him making him known he was the last one on the ship but then again his fellow blade member Ulaz was station closer to the ship then him.

"Lets head back" Ulaz spoke calmly as he tapped his mask off pulling his hood down. He was tall and slim but held macules. He is a male Galra with humanoid features. His skin is an ashy purple but his face is dominated by a paler, lavender shade. He has small yellow eyes, flyaway white eyebrows, high cheeckbones and an elongated jaw. His ears are stubby and elflike, and his hair is styled in a low Mohawk. He was a blade member that held medical skills and did small missions as a side partner. His mate was Thace an undercover blade member on Zarkon ship. 

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