Finding Lydia

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Tarren's POV

When I got to the Blandorda building, I doubted it was important, but oh well. This is what I was dealing with. I silently told my mom and big sarcastic thank you. I had no clue what I was doing. I looked around and spotted a hole in a blocked off door. It was big enough for me to crawl through.

When I got inside, I noticed some weird symbols on the wall. Some were labled, and the rest were divided up to match the labled ones. At the end of the hallway, a giant circle took up most of the wall. It was filled with different shapes that were 3D. I looked around but found that it was a dead end.

I thought about going back, but found my exit blocked off. Something slid to reveal a hole in the end wall. I could make out two eyes. A little girl's voice rang out. "Millie? What's out there?." The eyes disappeared. I stepped back and the wall turned sideways to reveal a woman and the little girl I heard talking.

"Get in." The woman ordered, "Jaimee, go find Mr. Forst, okay?" The wall closed behind us as we walked away. Jaimee then ran off to who knows where. "Excuse me," I managed to get out," My parents sent me here, kind of, and they said people would explain stuff here." She turned to regard me. "Do you have any identification?" She asked. I handed her my backpack and watched as she searched through it.

Millie gasped. She pulled out a picture of my family from when I was little. "Your parents. It couldn't be, could it?" She turned to me, "Tarren?"

"Do I know you?" I asked. Sighing, she replied, "No, but your parents did. They were the first people to welcome me here. My name was Mia, but I had been followed, so they renamed me Milesia. They became my mentor, and their little son was my responsibility." Milesia chocked up a little, but continued. "They were some of the best people here."

I was in shock. My parents were Divined and they came here too. They knew Milesia and all about it, but they never told me anything. Milesia started walking again, so I had no choice but to follow after.

Eventually, we got to where my room was to be (After using a colored light guide.) and Milesia left me to settle in. The room wasn't much, just a bed, kitchenette, table, chairs, and a small closet. I tossed my backpack on the bed and sat at the table. This was going to be a strange lifestyle from now on.

What seemed like an hour later, I grabbed the cake box and got the cake out. It had gotten a bit squished by the stuff in my backpack, but it would taste alright. I found a lighter and some small sticks in the cupboards. I put the sticks in the cake and lit them. "Happy Birthday to me......Happy Birthday to me." I half-heartedly muttered.

I blew out the sticks, found a fork, knife, and a plate. I was halfway through a piece of cake when I heard something kind of muffled. I stopped what I was doing, put the plate and fork down, and pressed my ear to one of the walls. Somebody was on the other side, and it sounded like they were crying. I listened harder and heard them speaking. "Mom.....Dad..... Why?"

I felt sorry for them. I decided to give them a piece of cake, which was my favorite kind and a homemade recipe. Leaving my room, I placed the plate of cake and a fork on the floor by their door. I knocked, then went back to my room. I listened to their door open. I could almost imagine them finding the cake. They picked up the plate and went back inside.

I finished my piece by the time I heard them take their first bite. Someone gasped, their door was flung open, and a yell rang out. "Tarren? Tarren, where are you?" The voice belonged to only one person. Opening my door, I saw Lydia in the hall. She turned to face me. We ran to each other.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked mid-hug. She laughed, "There is only one person I know who eats that kind of cake EVERY year on their birthday."

While we had our little reunion, Milesia showed up with a guy next to her. "Lydia, do you know him?" The guy asked. "Yeah." It was just the kind of simple reply Lydia always gave. "Querole, this is Tarren. He just got here." Milesia pointed out. Querole didn't seem to happy about it.
Hey guys!!

Hope you enjoyed this update(sorry about the wait)

Ideas haven't been coming a lot lately, but I have a really good one about to pop up in the story. There are kind of clues/hints in this chapter. If you think you know what is going to happen, comment it!

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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