This was going better than Elliot thought. It was getting easier each time. "Alright," he grinned lightly to himself and drove back to the little blue painted 'home.'

"There are some nice houses around here," Brian acknowledged as he got out of the car.

Elliot didn't like small talk. He never knew what to say to such bland and dull information so just nodded with a grunt as he got out and locked the car.

He led Brian to the front door and proceeded to take the stranger inside.

"What about you, do you work?" Brian scratched his head.

"Part-time. I graduate in a couple days." Elliot wandered into the sitting room and took a bottle of Calvert dry gin from his mother's alcohol cabinet along with two elegant crystal glasses. 'Mother's Ruin' indeed.

He poured them, half-full to begin with as he mustn't seem uncivilized. He needed Brian to like him. He needed Brian to stay.

"You're still in school?" Brian chuckled, "I left as soon as I got the chance."

Elliot quickly evolved his mindset, "My dad forced me to stay on. He's a bum."

"You have my sympathies, man." Brian shook his head and sipped the gin. His eyes lit up. "Hey, this is good stuff."

Elliot nodded and took a drink. He had begun to run out of things to say, desperately rummaging through his brains in a mad scramble for icebreakers. He needs to work on this part.

Brian just mimicked his nod.

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