Chapter 1 - Dying, Jashin and Uggghh

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I was 20 when I died, it's not that I had a great life or anything because I didn't, it sucked, but it was still my life.

See, I was walking home from the place I worked, assuming I took the correct way home, I could get lost trying to read a map unfortunately.

Anyways, as I was walking the last thing I really remember is a Fire-Hydrant heading straight for my head.

Unfortunately I saw it too late and I didn't have time to move out of the way, it's one of the worst things about myself, I can be incredibly absent minded and to be honest I didn't even feel the impact.

I remember being surrounded by darkness when I saw the person? Man? Whatever he was before me.

Tilting my head curiously he copies my movement and hms.

"Yes, you're a bit of a crazy one aren't you?" He asks me excitedly.

I frown at him, I am not crazy, I'm free willed, random and I kill when necessary, plus I'm insanely protective of children and people that I think deserve it.

I snort and shake my head "so, is this hell?" I ask him curiously causing him to burst into a psychotic laughter.

"Oh no, this is in between my realm and where I'm going to send you. See my world is getting quite boring and since my last follower died I do need some entertainment. You're perfect and so. . Wild" he says with a crazy laugh.

"Right, who the fuck are you?" I ask him confused.

"Jashin!" He replies excitedly and then he frowns "of course I have to make sure you can't die on me don't I?"

"Excus. . "

He was in front of me instantly his hand over my heart "Ah. . Here we go" he says upbeat before I can even speak, then all I remember is pain.

I don't know how I stopped myself from screaming, or perhaps I had?

Klaus' Family Mansion

When I wake up and see a man shifting beside me, that I'm pretty sure is from a fucking tv show.

I scramble out of the bed, butt ass naked, grabbing the blanket and pulling it with me yelling out "OH NO, FUCK THIS SHIT" then literally high tailing ass out of there while grabbing random pairs of clothes from the floor.

3rd POV

Klaus jumps out of bed when she yells "OH NO, FUCK THIS SHIT" and watches confused as she grabs things from the floor, dragging his lovely blanket along with her, he's feeling soo fucking confused.

As she runs down the hall in only a blanket and carrying. . Are those Klaus' boxers, pants and shirt?

Elijah blinks at the woman running out of the house, faster then he's ever seen someone leave his brothers bedroom before.

She ran around the downstairs for a few minutes before she found the exit though, she was over a while though. Why did she forget where the exits are?

Klaus watches from above the grand staircase as she runs around like she has never been here before, he feels completely baffled.

Rebekah is laughing like a crazy person at Hayleys exit, she's never seen someone vacate her brothers bedroom so fast before, it's comic gold for her!

Then when Hayley finally gets outside they watch as she breaks into one of their vehicles and start it up, stealing their car right out of their driveway.

Elijah is not sure if he should laugh along with his sister at her retreat or go after her, but it's only a car.

Klaus grits his teeth, what the fucking hell just happened? No one runs away from him like that unless he's trying to kill them of course. She was running like a bat out of hell.

"She must not have enjoyed herself much Niklaus" Rebekah says tauntingly to her older controlling brother.

Klaus snarls at his baby sister "She had enjoyed herself perfectly" he heard her noises, they certainly didn't sound fake.

What the hell happened?

Elijah try's to keep himself from laughing out loud at the current situation.

"Perhaps she faked it" Elijah suggests after fake coughing a few times so that he doesn't burst into a fit of laughter while saying it.
Random Car

It wasn't until I drove around. . Where ever I am that I realized I honestly simply had no fucking idea where the fuck I was.

So I pull over, on the side of some road somewhere and look at the clothes I grabbed.

They're all male clothes, I slip on the obviously male shirt, the boxers and the very loose around my waist jeans in the back seat.

I check the pockets and see a wallet, I flip through it and see the drivers license.

Niklaus Mikaelson is on it. Oh fucking hell no, that has to be a joke. Sure, it looked like that actor, joe something but . . Actually I just have no fucking idea.

That's when I notice that this isn't my body, ohh no, oh no no no no. . Oh this is NOT good. I'm going to kill that damn Jashin god person.

"No sorry, you can't. You're Hayley, remember her?" He asks with a laugh as he sits in the passenger seat now checking out his fingernails.

"Oh no"

"Oh yes and to make sure you don't die, I gave you a gift, perhaps you will find some companions to join you as well?" He suggests with a laugh as he taps the skin where my heart lays inside, where the pain come from before I woke as. .

Uggghhhhh. . I hate this.

After he disappears I check the skin over my heart. . .

Oh fucking hell

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Oh fucking hell. . . This is. . Oh fucking Jashin.

Now the second. . Or is it the third problem now? How in the fuck do I get out of this god forsaken town?

I'm going to need to go to that stupid Grill place ain't it? Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck fuck.

Klaus' Family Mansion
3rd POV

"So you honestly have no idea why she ran out of the house like it was on fire?" Elijah asks Niklaus again, Rebekah try's to cover her laughter with her hand.

"No" Klaus says grudgingly as he paces the living room in frustration, throwing his hands up in annoyance he adds "it doesn't make sense. I wasn't even able to tell her what that crescent mark meant, or figure out where that weird symbol over her heart came from"

"What weird symbol?" Elijah asks his brother curiously as he leans forward in his seat, his hands interlocked under his chin.


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