Chapter 7 - Blinded Anger

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Mikaelson Mansion

I am pacing around in a room that I can't even see. I have already followed along the wall only to find out that the fucking door is locked. Then I tried to pick the lock and unfortunately I have had no success with that.

Pounding on the door I snap "Mikaelson Brothers, you let me out of here right now or I swear to god I'll. ."

"You'll what Miss Marshall?" I hear Elijah ask from the other side of the door boredly.

"I don't need to be here."

"To be honest Little Wolf, you are suddenly blind and regardless of that you don't have much of a choice." I hear Klaus pip up.

"Then why lock me in a fucking room Asshole?" I snap irritably.

"She's right, you guys don't need to keep her locked up." Marcel says in my defense.

I hear a snort of disagreement from both brothers. "I don't? So she wasn't about to try to run out of this lovely place then?" Klaus asks sarcastically. "How did I not notice that?"

"Perhaps that is because she was going to do just that brother."

Now I have an idea. I wonder if I can find a window to climb down? Sure I'm blind, but I can't die so I do have an advantage there.

Taking a deep breath I sit down on the floor and let out a sigh. I've been in here for who knows how long already, this is such bullshit. When they finally walk away from the door I stand back up quietly and cautiously move towards the wall.

Slowly I continue with my hands against the wall lightly and walk around the room, the difficult part was going around what was on the wall. Eventually I find the window, softly I slide my fingers along the edges until I find the latch to open it.

When I finally do I let out a shaky breathe of relief and slowly I open it up. My unseeing eyes are focused as my hands guide the window up. Luckily there isn't a squeaky sound to accompany said movement. They moved me up a floor though, which means that if I don't be careful then I will fall. Well, to be fair I can't die so that's hardly the issue. The issue is the cause of my current blindness and the assholes playing along.

With careful hands I feel to see if there is a screen placed on the window only to happy find none. It's such an odd feeling to not have my sight, but to have my eyes open and yet unseeing. Oh well, no use crying over spilt milk, as they say anyways.

Gripping the window I maneuver my body, placing one of my feet over the ledge as I search for a place to put my footing. When I'm not able to find one I silently curse, now I'm going to have to try falling quietly. Fucks sakes, Jashin probably finds this hilarious. He's such an asshole.

I position myself outside of the window, my legs are pressed against the wall. It's pretty flat to be honest, there aren't any ridges or bricks to hold on to and the window thats probably below mine is too far for my feet to reach. Moving my hands so that I'm holding onto the side of the window I carefully push it back down.

This won't work if they do come in and they're like Oh, she left the window open. Lets see if she fell to her death. That would just suck.

Placing my legs apart as I push off the outer wall of the building I let out a breath. I suppose I should hope to avoid the concrete? Having no vision right now is a huge damper on this escape thing honestly.

Turning my body quickly I feel ground and I tuck and roll to avoid injury, although it seems like I scrapped my hand while maneuvering myself. Quickly I get back to my feet when I notice I'm without injury.

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