Grell goes to Grillby's

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  It's the middle of the afternoon on Saturday, Grell's minding her own business, when she receives a text message from Mettaton. The message says, "Hey, hon! You free at 6:45 tonight? There's somewhere I'd like to take you." Grell, reading this, flips out and fangirls like crazy. She hasn't been this ecstatic in a long time. She quickly takes a shower and puts on a vibrant, red dress.
   A little bit later, Mettaton drives up to Grell's apartment building and calls her, "Grell, dearie, I'm here for you now!" She takes the elevator and then walks through the apartment's lobby to his car and gets in.
"So, where are you taking me?" Mettaton smiles, "Oh, just wait and see. I think you'll like it there."
So, once they finally get to the restaurant, Mettaton parks the car and they both walk inside. They take a seat at a table, and Grell turns to him and speaks, "So, this place is the Grillby's I've heard so much about?" "Heh. Indeed, it is!" Grell checks the menu and looks up at Mettaton, "Where's the waiter/waitress?" He laughs, "Ah, love, this isn't that type of place." Mettaton asks her what she'll order, and then he goes up to the bar counter and talks to Grillby, then comes back. "Just placed our orders, dear. No need to worry!" "Oh! How kind of you!"

Author's Note:
Okay so I kind of have a habit of writing things and then completely dropping them so just take the rest of this fanfic that I never finished because I waited too long and I forgot what I was doing... I know at some point Grell was supposed to get drunk and stand up on one of the tables and yell "TRANS RIGHTS!!!" but I'm lazy and never finished this....

FABULOUS - A Grell x Mettaton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now