Run Away Part 3 FINALE- JJ Maybank

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    "JJ, my answer is...."


   "What?" He asks shocked.

   "I'm joking. Of course I'll run away with you! But.... We have to tell the others," I say calmly yet excited.

   "Ya. That would make sense. But before we, I have to ask you. Brooke will you be my girlfriend?" I smile through the tears and the pain. Pain because I'm leaving my friends for what will seem like forever. But tears because I'm happy.

   We go to john B and tell him to get Pope and Kie to come over because it was urgent. They got there in less than 10 minutes.

   "So whats the urgent thing you wanted to tell us?" Pope asks.

   "Ya. I'm dying to know," Kie says and JB agrees with them.

   "You guys might die when we tell you this as well," JJ says, looks sad and worried of their opinions.

   They look confused but let us finish. "Me and JJ.. We have... Um... Made a decision. Together. As a couple. We just wanted to let you all know. We know it will hurt us all but it's the right thing to do for me and JJ." I wait a second because I get a lump in my throat and tears slide down my face. I say in a small, tiny voice, "Me and JJ are running away from here. From Outer Banks."

   In the corner of my eye I saw JJ crying as well. I grab his hand and pull him closer to me. The others were in shock. They all had tears in their eyes. Kie covered her mouth to hush her sobs. John B stared into space as tears fell. Pope had his mouth wide open in shock.

   Pope then asks, "Why are you guys running away? What made you think that was a good idea? Are we not good enough for you guys?"

   JJ answers this. "Guys, we are running away because the only thing left for us here, is you guys. If we didn't, I would still get beat by my dad and Brooke would keep getting beat by the Kooks. You guys are our world but... We just can't stay. We have made up our mind. I'm gonna take my dad's money from his wallet and the money I saved up and we are gonna leave the OBX. We are sorry that it had to end this way. We will call and facetime you everyday. We promise." 

    We were all sobbing. And it stayed like that for what seemed like forever. I hated hurting my friends but, like JJ said. It's for the best.


    It's now the next day. The day me and JJ were leaving. I'm gonna miss this place. I packed all my clothes (which wasn't alot), my makeup (also wasn't alot), and the cash that i had scrambled to get. 

    We were are the pier waiting for the fairy to take us to the mainland. Everyone was here. Pope. Kiara. John B. Everyone we care about and everyone that cares about us.

   We hear the fairy horn in the small distance which meant it was about time for us to leave our home.  I couldn't help it. I started sobbing. This made everyone else start sobbing as well. We ended up in a group hug until the fairy pulled up. I kiss John B and Pope on the cheek and JJ does the same with Kie. I hug Kie as tight as I can and, again, JJ does the same with John B and Pope. 

   Before we get on the fairy we say, "Bye guys. We love you and we will miss you. Goodbye,"

   We get on the fairy and get on near the back that is facing OBX. As we leave the docks I say, "Goodbye Outer Banks. You will forever, be my home."

JJ Maybank and Rudy Pankow ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now