Love / Hate

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It's difficult to hate the people you once loved to death!

- Forgotten Rain


How do you define the feeling when you love someone and want to hate them. But you can't. You strongly dislike them but still care for them. And their presence alone makes your blood boil?

- Forgotten Rain


And again, she made me question myself:

"Why haven't I attempted suicide yet?"

And the answer, one again, was the same:

"Who'll she destroy after me?"

- Forgotten Rain


There comes a time, when your heart gets tired.

So tired that it dies.

It becomes a living dead.

No feeling, only beating.

- Forgotten Rain


I was supposed to love them.

But what I didn't know was that,

"Nightmares are there to make you suffer, not to be loved by you."

- Forgotten Rain

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