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Naya ran her hand along the lockers as she sulked down the empty hallways. She grimaced when the history classroom door came into view.

Slowly twisting the door knob she shuffled into the classroom. A few students were scattered around the room-most of them were ether asleep or had headphones in.

Waving a shy greeting to the teacher-Naya turned on her heel to find a seat. She sat in the back corner of the class and pulled out a random note book so it looked like she was doing something.

Immersed in the rain drops that danced down the window-Naya didn't even notice a chair pull out beside her.

"Hey" A familiar voice snapped her out of trance. She looked over to see Chenle friendly smiling at her.

Naya quirked an eyebrow. "Hi Chenle-why are you here? Wasn't your first day like yesterday?"

The corners of Chenle's lips turned up in a gummy grin. "I'm not in trouble-the history teacher wanted me to log in the new text books we got"

Propping her elbow on her table Naya put her head in her hand and looked at the boy. "You such a goodie two shoes-like seriously man" She joked.

Chenle only laughed in response and started logging in the text books numbers onto a piece of paper.

As minutes droned on-Naya couldn't do anything but blankly stare out the window. Chenle bid Naya a quick goodbye after finishing his task.

Naya let out a relived sigh when the teacher finally came in and dismissed them. She dash out the room in hopes of catching the last train before it left.

Thick rain poured on her as she ran down the puddle ridden side walk. The cloud covered sun was beginning to set and Naya wasn't in the mood to run home in the dark-who knows what perverts lurked around.

Just her luck she missed the train by mere seconds-she painfully watched as it departed from the station.

Her shoes were soggy and drops of water ran down her forehead as she trudged down the side walk. It would be a long way home.

Shoving her shivering hands deeper into her damp hoodies pockets-a beam of light shined on the road behind her. Whipping her head around Naya was shocked to see a familiar black sports car.

Naya kept her head down as it began to slow down beside her. She almost broke into a full sprint when the sound of the window being rolled down was heard.

"Naya?" Recognition dawned on her face as Chenle spoke from the passenger seat of the nice car.

She squinted to see with the boy. He leaned over the masked driver to make eye contact with the Nayas wet face.

"Hey Chenle" Naya said awkwardly. She was slowly inching forward as the car rolled beside her.

"Do you need a ride?" Chenle asked sweetly. Naya glanced up and the boy and stopped moving-so did the car.

She tucked her hair behind her ears. "No I'll be fine-"

"I insist Naya." Chenle interrupted. Naya didn't have time to protest as the expensive car drove in beside her and parked. "Hop in the back"

Naya jumped in fright when the cars doors lifted up in butterfly style. She gingerly slid into the leather seats-careful not to touch anything.

Chenle giggled as he observed the girl stiffen in her seat while she buckled in. "How did the rest of detention go?"

Looking up at Chenle Naya grimaced. "Good I guess?" The car swiftly began driving forwards and Nayas gaze adverted to the masked driver.

"Oh-this is Mark" Chenle gestured towards the boy in the drivers seat. Mark didn't even wave to the girl as he kept his eyes glued to the rode.

"Hi?" Naya half waved at him and sunk farther into the seats. They were heated and were quickly toasting up her cold rear.

Chenle spun his head around the seat to make eye connect with the Naya. "So Naya tell me about yourself?"

Naya wiped the hair that was stuck to her forehead uncomfortably under his eager gaze. "What do you want to know?"

"I know that you work at your uncles convenience store-" Naya nodded her head but became weary when he mentioned her uncle-she couldn't remember telling Chenle that.

"You got detention and your in the grade below me" Chenle finished.

"Seems legit" Naya gave a lopsided smile and peered at the boy in the drivers seat. She wanted more than anything for Mark to take of his mask the secrecy was killing her.

The call pulled up in front of the convenience store. The old open 24/7 sign was flickering in the front window.

"Thanks so much Chenle" Naya beamed at Chenle as she scooted out the car. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Chenle bobbed his head and waved her off. Naya stood on the edge of the curb as she watched the car race off at an alarmingly fast speed.

ᴘʏʀʀʜɪᴄ ♙ {NCT DREAM MAFIA AU}Where stories live. Discover now