Chapter 2

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"W-we should go p-p-penguin sledding sometime..uh?" Bill spoke sitting up from the ground. "My name is Eddie and this is Stan. Also, sure?"Eddie answered, "what's going on h-here?" Bill rubbed his head looking around and spotting a clearly pissed Stan. "You tell us!? How and why are you in a giant chunk of ice?" He shouted, "and why aren't you frozen?" Stan continued grabbing his spear to poke bill with as he integrated the boy. Bill groaned pushing the spear away " I'm not sure." Suddenly there was a low growl from behind the wall of ice and snow, Bill turned around and ran up the wall to see his flying bison. "Appa!" He smiled brightly throwing himself on top of the bison "are you okay? Wake up b-bud." He announced trying to pry open the eyelids of the bison. Bill let out a huff when appa returned back to sleep "aha, yes! Y-y-your okay." Bill shouted when appa yawned loudly. Eddie and Stan walked around the wall and the sound of Stan gasping could be heard, "what is that thing?" Stan questioned, "this is A-Appa my flying bison." Bill replied as Stan rolled his eyes. "Right, like that exists." He declared placing his hand on his hip. " y-you guys l-l-live around here?" Bill chimed before Eddie could answer Stanley interrupted he shoved his spear in front of bills face, "Do not answer that question, did you see that giant beam of light? for all you know he was trying to contact the fire navy!" He argued causing Eddie to step in. "Yeah, definitely. He must be a spy for the fire navy. You can just tell by that evil look in his eyes." Eddie and Stan eyed bill who looked beyond confused or puzzled, Eddie sighed and continued. "What's wrong Bill?" Eddie asked "well I-" bill stopped abruptly to let out a loud sneeze sending him ten feet in the air.

When he slid back down the ice, Stan jaw was dropped along with Eddie's. "You just sneezed and flew 10 feet in the air."Stan yelped "r-really? It felt higher." Bill added. "Oh! You're an air bender." Eddie pointed out "yeah, I-I am." The boy smiled softly, "giant beam, flying bison, air benders!? I think I'm losing my mind. I'm going home where stuff makes sense." Stan criticized walking off then stopping noticing that they were stuck in the middle of nowhere. "I-I could give you guys a ride back h-home.." Bill insisted kindly, Stan groaned and nodded. "Fine. Let's go, Eddie," he spoke helping Eddie up on the bison, then lifting himself up. Bill sprinted over to Appa and jumped into his position "alright A-Appa yip yip!" he commanded. Appa sat up and took a running start just for him to belly flop into the water, "wonderful." Stan held in a laugh. "Appa is just tired." Bill shrugged.

Once they arrived Appa plopped down into the snow and was immediately greeted by curious gazes from the children in the tribe. Appa Let out a gust of air as everyone got off when Bill hopped off he looked around the tribe stood in front of him. "Everyone, this is Bill. He's an Airbender, we found him stranded out in the cold." He announced standing beside him. The people of the village didn't look pleased by bill's arrival "uh, w-why is everyone l-looking at m-m-me like t-that?" Bill's voice was laced with concern "well, no one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct. Until Eddie and Stan round you." The leader replied "Bill that's our leader. He's the chief around here." Stan whispered, "My name is Owen." The leader named Owen added. "Extinct?" Before Bill could continue Stan stepped in. "We are going to take care of him and get him back to his full strength, once that has happened you will leave." Eddie turned to Stan "what, why?" Owen nodded letting everyone get back to their duties except for the kids who rushed in to greet Bill.

After a long day of greeting and talking to those in the village, Bill returned to a tent to rest for the night. When he woke up he smiled wanting to take Eddie up on the penguin sledding. "Eddie! Are you up?" Bill asked, "just pretend to be asleep and maybe he will go away." He heard Stan whisper "I c-can hear you, you know." The tent moved around and opened to reveal Eddie and Stan "I'm up. What do you need Bill?" Eddie said softly "I thought w-we could go penguin sledding today!" Bill's smile widened "of course! Oh, Stan is going to tag along." He shrugged. Penguin sledding was really fun Bill couldn't remember the last time he felt like this, Eddie was much better at penguin sledding but it really didn't matter. Bill watches Stan sit and watch after asking multiple times if he wanted to join, Stan wouldn't budge. "I don't g-get why S-S-Stan doesn't want to join. Is he scared?" Bill turned to Eddie who was petting a penguin. "Oh, no. He wasn't always this way. When the fire nation attacked our village they either killed or took our family in his case his whole family was killed he was an orphan, my parents took him in and raised him my mom died shortly after the attack. Before she did she made him promise to protect me and that's what he has always done...when my father left for war Stan has just been my bodyguard. It sucks it doesn't even feel like we are best friends anymore, he never breaks the rules and refuses to have fun." Eddie signed "I didn't mean to tell you all our life; you are just so easy to talk to I guess." Bill shook his head "please, d-don't be sorry. I'm sorry to hear that. I wish...never mind." Bill glances away and something else caught his attention he stood up and walked over to it Eddie watching and following behind. Stan was distracted by the book in his hands and didn't notice the disappearance of the two boys.

"it's a f-fire nation s-s-ship!" Bill exclaimed running over to it, It was wrecked and had appeared to have crashed into the ice. "Bill, no. We can't go over there it's against the rules." Eddie shouted bill looked over at Eddie raising his eyebrow. "Why not?" He asked already close enough to touch the ship. "What if it's booby-trapped? It's a bad idea...let's go back before Stan notices we are gone and has a panic attack." He insists but bill didn't want to listen he looked around for an entrance. Eventually finding one in the damage he crawled in tacking a look behind him to see Eddie was following with a worried face. "This ship has hunted our tribe since own was a little boy, it belongs to the first attack from the fire nation..." Eddie explained to bill while they walked further into the ship looking into the dark halls and empty rooms. Bill stopped inside of a room filled with weapons "ok, w-wait. I have friends all around the world even in the fire nation. I've never seen any wars." He sighed with a frown taking form in his lips. " long were you in that iceberg?" Bill shrugged "I don't know, a few days maybe?" Eddie only scoffed. " I think it was more like a hundred years." Bill laughed "what? T-T-That's impossible. Do I look like a 117-year old man to you?" Eddie shook his head. "No, but think about it. The war is a century old. You don't know about it, because somehow you were in there the whole time. It's the only explanation." Bill couldn't believe what he was hearing, this couldn't be true. Could it? "I can't b-believe it. A hundred years..." he slides against a wall next to him curling into a ball, Eddie sat next to him placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "I'm sorry bill. Maybe, there's a bright side to all of this." Eddie whispered. "I did get to meet you and Stan." Bill smiled softly. "Alright, let's get out of here." Eddie helped Bill up also showing a smile.

"Bill, we should really head back. This place if giving off really fucking creepy vibes." Eddie sounded scared and annoyed-looking down at Bills' feet and noticing he pulled on a tripwire. "Oh shit," Bill whispered looked at Eddie who shot him a glare, a gate came down form the door trapping them in. "I g-guess you were right about the booby-traps." suddenly a flare was shot up into the sky. "that is not good."

"You idiots!" Stan yelled through the hole in the ceiling. "Do you have any idea what you could've done, bill get away from Eddie right now! We are going back home!" He continued Eddie nodded slowly taking stans extended hand and pulling himself up. Bill frowned jumping high into the air and landing next to Stan, once Eddie was up Stan pulled Eddie back to the village not caring that Bill followed him back.

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