"Hey there, Delilah"

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Idea from

"Hey there Delilah"

Today is the day I get to go back home.. after years being in New York City.
I can't help but think about him since I am coming home, I didn't tell him about that last night because I wanted to surprise him..

Whenever I get sad, I always go to him to say what bothers me. He would always comfort me since we were kids, he was like a therapist to me. He wasn't the kind to talk to people, he wasn't that social.

Me on the other hand,
was a sunshine. As they would call me.
I was popular, friendly, kind. Some people even liked me. Him on the other hand only had friends because of me, I always invite him out with my friend group. In return to what I do help him socialize and be more open, he would always ask if I am okay. He never. I mean NEVER leaves my side. Not physically.
One time I asked him why

"The least I could do was never leave your side."

Coming into a bus, while I was getting inside I overheard a group of girls talking about a play prom that they'll do..

Then I just remember that my prom date duped me and I was left alone that day, I didn't want to do anything so I went to my favourite place. There was this abandoned house, it was a shack but in a way it was beautiful. It was his dad's old shack, papa which is what I like to call him. He would let us play there.

The view from the roof was mesmerizing. you could really see the stars and the moonlight would always hit our faces when we sat there. To get to the roof, me and him left a ladder so we could get up easily.

I got changed to my comfort clothes, a long sleeve with a skirt and tights. When I got up I was surprised when I saw him stargazing.
I asked him why was he here.

"I just got a feeling you would come here"

I got shocked for a minute cause of his answer though I just laid down beside him and started star gazing aswell..

"Though.. why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at prom?"

My eyes started to water as I answered his question. After that I started questioning what was wrong with me for my date to dupe me.. He sat up without saying anything, staring at the stars.

"You can see the stars right?. Imagine that every person earth represented a star. People would look up to them, some gets more attention, some are more beautiful, some shines more than the others. Different in their own ways. You would think you worth nothing, just by looking at them. But no.. without you knowing, you made someone happy. You granted someone's wish. Someone sees the worth in you which you don't see."

He is always a deep talker. But in reality he is a total idiot.. Though.. I didn't even get what he was saying. Before I could even speak

"But this night, you weren't his star"

See? He's a dork, I playful punched his stomach which made him wince in pain. But I know he wasn't even hurt in the slightest bit.. after awhile, he looked at me it's cliche but I still remember his face and eyes sparkle because of the star and moonlight..

"Tonight.. you look so pretty"

I still can't believe he thinks that.. was he joking? All those questions formed in my head..

"Yes, you do."

With that he answered my questions..

As I was daydreaming I suddenly heard a guitar play by the window I was leaning on.

Hey There, DelilahWhere stories live. Discover now