Chapter one - Unsure feelings

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Drip drip drop was the only sound I could hear, the sound of the soft dropping of the rain hitting my windowsill filled my ears. Time seemed to be passing me by in a blur as I listened. My mind got lost in the recollection of past events in my life and how I could have done better. I leaned my head on the window feeling the cold sensation flow up from my cheek. My gaze drifts towards the darkness that had already blanketed the city. The only lights visible through my window were the streetlights illuminating the streets as cars passed by in a blur leaving fading ribbons of light trailing behind them. The streetlights seemed to make the rain glow as it reflected the light. A sudden boom of thunder pulled me back to reality, it shook the pane of glass I had been leaning on, startling me and causing me to pull my face away.

The light on my phone telling me I had new notifications was brightly blinking right next to me. I leaned back on the pillow cushioning me and looked around my dark empty feeling room. The only visible light was coming dimly through my window. My gaze drifted back to my phone as I picked it up holding it close and turning it on. The light beaming from my phone caused me to wince and close an eye. With little effort, I turned the lighting down rolling my eyes as they refocused on the smartphone in my hand. The first thing I noticed was a message from my best friend Boscha asking me if I was doing alright. This made me smile, Boscha was the first one to take notice when I started to drift away from people and become less like myself. Boscha became very worried and showed a caring side I never knew she had. I pushed back a few strands of my dyed green hair over my ear. Seeing her care for me helped me feel a little like myself again. Taking my time to process I responded to her message "Thank you, I'm doing fine". I smiled again feeling a bit happier than before. I then looked at the time.

"Oh dammit, the time" I exclaimed in a sort of whisper yell. as I realized it was already three in the morning and I had to wake up in a few hours for school. I pulled myself off the windowsill slowly and went to get ready for bed. The rain had yet to let up and I could still hear the drops softly hitting the window as I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I can still remember a time when I enjoyed the rain it always oddly made me feel happy. Finishing I pulled myself into bed as I fell asleep thinking about standing in the rain as a kid and playing games with the twins made me smile.

The next morning I awoke to my phone's obnoxious beeping alarm pulling me from my fading recollection of the dream I just had, or maybe it was a memory? I don't know, I can't remember the dream anyway. Having little sleep I begrudgingly went through my morning routine. Once done I went downstairs to greet mother and father. I got myself breakfast and they smiled seeing me up.

"Emira and Edric already left so you better hurry before you miss the bus" my father chuckled. I scarfed down my food as I nodded. My parents were strict at times, but I know deep down they love me and only want the best for me and my future. After I finished I hurriedly grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

"love you guys" I called as the door closed behind me. The bus stop wasn't far and I didn't need to rush too much as I still had a little bit of time before it arrived, but I wanted to make sure if it came early I wouldn't miss it.

When I arrived I sat at the bench "I guess I am earlier than I thought" I said to myself a bit puzzled. I shrugged and sat back beginning to get lost in thought. This quickly was cut off by the sound of yelling. I look up to see a brown-haired girl with a blue and white hoodie sprinting to the bus stop at full speed.

"Wait! I'm almost there!" She yelled to seemingly no one. I began to move further to the end of the bus stop bench away from her as she got closer. When she got near however I saw her slip on a puddle from the day before and fall onto her back "gah!"

Hearing her fall I got up and walked over to her a bit worried "Are you alright?" I asked hoping she didn't die.

"Yeah yeah I'm okay," she said in a strained voice trying to make it sound like it didn't hurt to talk. I leaned over a bit and held out my hand.

"Why the hell were you running here anyway?" I asked as she took my hand and I helped her up.

"It's kind of a long story. I overslept and missed my bus, so I asked a friend and she said this was the closest bus stop to me so I ran all the way here as fast as I could. Cuz I can not be late again or principal Bump will kill me." she gasped for air having said all of that in one breath. "Oh guess it wasn't that long of a story after all" she laughed a little.

"I see, well I hate to break it to you, but you're about 15 minutes early so you ran for nothing," I said resting my hand on my hip.

"Rats- oh well." She shrugged "at least I'm early to something for once. Oh the name is Luz by the way. I don't think we've met officially before." she laughed nervously "Well I mean I have seen you around school a lot, your one of the popular girls, the really smart one, Amity right?"

I raised a brow watching her closely. "Yes, my name is Amity Blight" I smiled a bit. The strange girl lifted her hand quickly.

"Nice to meet you!" She exclaimed. I shook her hand and continued watching her. She was an odd one.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled in response.

By the time the bus pulled up the strange girl and I had a few small conversations to pass the time as people arrived at the bus stop, but when I eventually took my seat on the bus. I guess there must have been no more seats because she sat right next to me. She smiled awkwardly at me then looked at her bag nervously. I didn't really understand what she was doing, she was a strange one that's for sure, all the weird stuff she's brought into the school, I don't get her. I looked outside watching the scenery go by, still soaked due to the rain from the night before. It was kind of a long ride to the school we still had another twenty minutes until we got there and the traffic certainly wasn't helping.

After a bit, I felt her lean her weight against me and I felt a kind of mixture of disgust and annoyance. We have known each other for less than an hour and she already thinks she can- My thoughts were cut off as I looked at her and saw she had fallen asleep. She was leaning her arm against mine. I watched her take in slow soft breaths as she lay there sound asleep. Whatever, who cares. I thought as I looked away again, I didn't really care that she was asleep, it doesn't matter. Thinking about it gave me this weird feeling and her smell really didn't help either. I didn't know what to feel. I had never really met this weird girl before today and yet she gives me this weird feeling. Why was this... why was she so familiar?...

That took a while to write lol well anyway were we go I will try to work on more chapters soon if I manage to finish this story I will wright more. I have a lot planned for this story so here we go! The human world is a strange place my friend.

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