Chapter 5

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The first thing Oliver thought early in the morning was to knock on Lucy's door. Today before work he had a lot of things to do with her but of course before that he made himself look decent.

He knocked on her door but it took a while before she opened. Looks like she was up early herself he thought to himself.
Hello, butterfly he greeted her with a smile, Lucy wasn't even impressed by him. They didn't stand outside for too long because Oliver lets himself inside her apartment. He saw she was reading a  book. If you'd like I can show you where all the bookstore is in this town he told her. 

Do you have any plans yourself he asked her? I have work in the afternoon she replied silently. Even if you didn't eat any breakfast that's fine I treat to one on the way.    

Lucy didn't understand why he was even talking to her. She stopped going to university just cause she didn't need to go outside her home, only when it's necessary like grocery shopping and of course when she is working, but this man is expecting her to out early in the morning and to what introduced me to the town. He must be kidding with me she thought. 

First of all my name is Lucy if you have already forgotten it and secondly, I don't know you and I definitely don't want you to show me around. That's when she noticed he wasn't listening to her. 

You bought this photo album twelve years ago and it's still empty he asked her rather loudly and shocked at the same time. Lucy was shocked herself, how did he know she owned an album, she turned around and realized she had the album and the camera out. 

You don't have any photos here, why not he asked? Excuse me but you can't touch other people's stuff. Lucy was losing her patient at this point.  If that's the case let's fill this album with lots of memories. Oliver was aware of what he was doing but to get close to her, he plays like if he was an extrovert when he's far from that. 

they argued for a few more minutes when Oliver dragged her out of the apartment with the camera and the album on the other hand.  I know you don't know me but you can trust me Oliver told her with a genuine smile and I'm hoping I can get to know you as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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