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I am quiet.

I am shy.

I am also brave.

I like challenges.

I like to try new ones.

I am also timid.

I am closed.

People see that I'm fine.

They aren't.

I am only a human who can cry.

I also need someone.

I'm afraid they think I'm weak.

I physically smile.

My heart cried.

I am indeed here.

My mind is not here.

I am indeed in a crowd.

I feel alone.

In my life no one knows me well.

If only they knew how heavy the burden of my mind was.

How much weight to cover all these wounds.

I chose to keep this to myself.

I knew I was not considered there.

My life that looks happy only from the physical, not from my feelings.

I am a coward.

I want to give up but I am afraid I will choose the wrong step.

I want to ask but I don't know who.

I'm too pathetic.

I can only cry accompanied by the cold night.

I do not have anyone who wants to understand me.

They don't know how deep the old wound that I kept.

I am tired.

To whom do I complain in this world, Lord?

Please send someone who cares about me.

I have no one.

I only have you my place to complain.

I don't want to be like this

My destiny is like this.


Open request & confide
DM me @somebody_woesome

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