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Remus wiggled around against the purple mist holding him in place, even going as far as snapping at it.  The people I would consider family all had different emotions in their eyes.  Roman’s eyes held anger most likely at me, Patton is a mixture of confusion and betrayal that hurt, Thomas is confused, and Logan’s eyes are a swirl of emotions too many to name.  
“Remus.” I say calmly but strongly, every single person looked  at me confused.  I ignore them trying to form a plan in my head.  “I know you want to protect Janus, but I need you to calm down.”  
I start to get louder as more false confidence finds its way into my voice. Remus finally has stopped growling and Roman gasps as he finally realizes who the wolf is.  In a blink of an eye Remus had transformed into his human form.  Remus looks older than in the visions that I had seen, he now has facial hair, his eyes hold a form of insanity to them.  If you look past the insanity in his eyes you can see longing. 
“How did y-” I cut Remus off.
“He’s being possessed by a mind demon. A strong one at that, he can defeat it.”  Roman, Thomas, Logan, and Patton looked at each other shocked and confused, but I focused on the werewolf in front of me.  Remus looked a mix of shock and anger.  I feel my anxiety levels rising but I push the feelings down, I need to focus.  “That’s why his one eye is yellow.  That the demon’s mark on him.”
I drop the magic holding Remus, letting him land on his feet.  Once I knew that my family wouldn’t attack him, I realised them.  Roman was the only one not to land on his feet, as he had landed face first, mumbling something about favoritism, but I couldn’t fully hear what he had said.  
I take off toward Janus, Remus leading the way.  Janus was still crumpled on the ground, his aura was flickering between human and demon, demon more often than human, I knew he could win. He just needs his friend by his side.   My anxiety was getting to the point that I couldn’t push it down anymore, making it impossible to take in a breath, even if I don’t need it, I panicked.  Remus knelt next to Janus’s head and held it in his lap.
My head started to spin, but I tried to ignore it but collapsed to the ground.  I clenched my head and the world around me started going black.  The last thing I saw was Logan kneeling to the next to me.  One thing came to me as I blacked out, the last thing I heard was an unknown voice speaking.
“Good job, my child.  You did good.”
Logan POV.
    I saw Virgil collapse to the ground, scratching his head.  He was trying to suck in a breath that he didn’t need.  I knelt down besides him trying to get him to look at me so I could guide him through a calming exercise.  I try calling his name, but it seems that he can’t hear me.  I hear Patton speak from my side, startling me as I hadn’t heard him kneel next to me.
    “Virgil, Kiddo calm down. You're ok, I’m ok, all of us are ok.”  Patton's voice held a calm but strong tone, trying not to let his worry seep into his voice.  Virgil seems to still have not heard anything but I catch his eyes for a second, his eyes only meet mine for not even a second before a blinding white fills my vision.
    When I could see again, Patton and I were still knelt on the ground but Virgil was gone.  Not even a trace of his magic was to be found.  I stared blankly at the spot Virgil had just been, the world around me blurred and was unfocused.  I flinched when I felt a warm hand grab my shoulder.
    “Logan calm down…” As Patton says this I notice my checks feel damp.  I raise my hand up and touch my check pulling it back just to see my fingers become damp as well.  I realize that I’m crying and the world around me grows clearer and it finally sunk in that Virgil was really gone. I started sobbing and a scream tore from my throat.
  When I finally stopped screaming Patton hugged me holding me as I sobbed.  I clenched my hand in the back of Patton’s shirt, hiding my face in his shoulder.  I notice a weight appearing on my neck, a soft but cold metal resting against my chest.  Roman and Thomas then run up to us.
    “I heard a scream, what happened, are you ok Logan?”  Thomas spoke before a look of realization dawned on him.  He looked around before he spoke.  “Where’s Virgil.?”
I couldn’t bring myself to speak, so all I did was shake my head no, the 4 of us grew quiet as we had lost our friend.  
    It had been five years since Logan, Thomas, Patton, and Roman had found the panicked Ghost in their house. Five years since they learned the ghosts name, Virgil.  Five years since the battle in Hanus’s mind, against a demon who caused harm.  Five years since Virgil disappeared and a locket appeared on Logan’s neck.  In those five years many things had happened.
    Since then humans, and magic creatures have made peace, and live side by side.  Magical creatures who once feared the humans, walk and talk with then as if they are old friends.  The road to peace was bumpy but was after years a success.
    Thomas, a young witch, who was friendly to the ghost, who learned under the gifted watch.  Thomas is now a representative for the witches, and gifted.  He makes sure the law makers see the laws with the eyes of the witches and gifted.  
    Patton, a fatherly fairy, who calmed and joked with the ghost, who fought and heald with a werewolf by his side.  Patton is happily married to the same werewolf he fought beside, Roman.  Patton is now a stay at home dad to his 2 year old daughter, Vera happy to be called her Pops.
    Roman, a short-tempered werewolf, who teased yet carried for the ghost, who fought his brother without the full story.  Roman has his husband’s, Patton, support as he runs his own theater, and his help to control his anger.  Roman is always visited by his brother, who he loves dearly but wishes would shut up.  Roman has a two year old who calls him King Papa.
    Remus, a crazed werewolf, who was read by the ghost,who stood by his friend as he turned evil.  Remus had gone insane after he had lost his best friend the first time, but is getting better with Janus back by his side.  Remus lives on the border of the forest with his best friend that he wishes to call his lover.  Remus has a black snake named William.
    Janus, a human possessed by a demon, who was forced to kill and hurt the ghost, who was saved by a werewolf, and ghost.  Janus told the news what had happened, and why he did the things he had.  Janus now lives with Remus on the border of the forest, with his pet snake.  Janus was too nervous to confess to Remus.
    Logan, an intelligent gifted, who grew close and helped a ghost, who thought those around him.  Logan got a job as a libearn wanting nothing more than quiet.  Logan was always seen with a silver rose locket, sealed to open when needed.  Logan lived with his cat Galaxy.  Logan published a book telling Virgil’s story and how he ‘brought light into the dark, dark world.’
    Virgil, an anxious ghost, who helped a possessed human, who found a family amongst outcasts, who reached a crazed werewolf, fought for what was right.  Virgil, if he had been given the chance, would have thanked him for making him feel the most alive he had ever felt, even though he was already dead.  Virgil now lives amongst the stars as a sign of hope for those who need 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖕.


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