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john's phone vibrated repeatedly on his bed

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john's phone vibrated repeatedly on his bed.

his green-gray eyes roamed towards the buzzing device and read: 'freddie' would like to facetime...

he took a deep breath and muttered, "what does he want now?"

john grabbed his phone and clicked the green 'accept' button.

the phone took no time to connect, and reveal a familiar, smiling face hovering over the screen, "hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime-!"

"shut up!" john hissed. his face flushed, he quickly turned down the volume, realising how loud freddie was.

"aww, is my johnny blushing?" freddie teased, placing his phone against the wall so he could do his homework and give john something to look at, rather than his ceiling fan rotating in circles, repeatedly.

"what is it?" john asked, chewing on the inside of his cheek and picking at his nails.

"so..." freddie started, trying to multitask by talking and doing his work. "i need you to do something for me-,"

"what do you want, mercury?" john flickered his eyes to the screen, then back down at his nails. "i need you to be my fake boyfriend." freddie briskly uttered.

"your who-?" john stopped all of his movements, blinking hard. "my fake boyfriend." freddie awkwardly smiled.

"i mean..." john let out a breathy chuckle.

"please?" freddie beseeched, "it'll only be this one time. i just need to get away from mary. she keeps following meeverywhere. it's like as if she was obsessed with me."

the younger student wiped his face out of fake exhaustion, "i don't know freddie...what if people actually take this relationship seriously-?"

"that's the goal! we need to make people think we're real so mary can stray off into the streets and leave me alone!" freddie said, making questionable motions with his hand.

mary's a nice girl, don't get me wrong. john thought. -but i do think ever since he played a few, spectacular songs on the piano for the school's talent show, mary has been wanting to become apart of our friend group, treat him as if he was the 'Queen of England', and be there for the fame.

it's kind of annoying, but i'm not freddie, so it's probably worse than what i think it really is.

freddie's my friend, and friends stick together no matter what, but becoming his "boyfriend" for fuck sake...that's a whole 'nother level-!

"i- whatever, freddie. sure, i'll help you. just this one time, and one time only." john gritted his teeth.

"oh thank you! thank you! thank you!" freddie cheered, throwing his pencil up in the air. "i wish i could kiss you through the phone!"

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