Chapter Three: "Daddy I missed you!"

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Lilly's POV

As I was walking to the usual lunch table that we shared with the guys I noticed that there was something visibly wrong with Aidan. He had gone a really pale colour and he kept on blinking as if trying to stay awake. It was as if he was about to faint. This brought back fresh memories of my mother's death and I blinked to keep back the tears. She had looked just as pale minutes before her death.

"Hey Aidan? You ok? You look rather pale..." He looked worse now that I had asked him and I was getting worried that something drastic might happen to him.

Yeah, we had our banter but I sometimes wondered that maybe underneath it all I liked him more than I should. After all, I didn't have time for a boyfriend. Between training, competitions, games, studying and school I had no time left for me. Except maybe nights where we had crazy parties which quickly turned chaotic.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Aidan sucked in a quick breath and shook his head as if he was trying to get rid of something. He most definitely did not look fine to me and if anything he looked much, much worse than before. I saw what was coming seconds before. Aidan'a eyelids were dropping, and his eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground doubled over in pain. I rushed over to catch his head before he hit the ground, unconscious.

The next few minutes were a blur. Jace ran off with Carly to get a nurse and I sat there on the ground cradling Aidan's head, afraid that if I moved him in the slightest bit his heart might stop, Charlene, one of my cheerleaders who I was incredibly close to, sat with me. The rest of the jocks and the girls just kinda stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to do and this caught the rest of the school's attention because they started gathering around to see what happened.

The clogs were starting to turn in the jocks' brains because they realised that Aidan had some dignity so they formed a protective circle around us ensuring that nobody saw past them.

"What do we do?" Whispered Charlene

"I don't know Charl, I don't know..." I hadn't told anyone about my mother'a death except for Carly and so they would be surprised if I went ahead and told them what the hell they should be doing.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY!" Yelled the school's nurse, Ms. Adams.

The bell rang just as she was about to tell them to get lost and the crowd quickly dissipated leaving only our table standing there. But even they had some classes so as they quickly stood and muttered apologies they left. Now it was only Carly, Jace and I with Ms. Adams and an unconscious body.

Ms. Adams was giving us strange looks. "We have a free periods until the end of the day Ms." Explained Carly, "We'll stay with him until he wakes up." Ms. Adams didn't look too impressed but she gestured for us to lift Aidan up.

Wait, we were carrying him? Hadn't she heard of an amazing invention called a stretcher. I sighed. Better get to work then.


Aidan's POV

"Daddy!" Screamed Lucy, running up to me "I've missed you so much!" She ran into my arms and buried her head into my chest. Her golden locks were running loose down her back and she was in her pyjamas. Oops! I had interrupted bedtime.

I had been gone to Chicago to play a game and had been gone for almost a week but it felt like a year had passed since I had seen my family. I had missed Lucy, my four year old daughter, a lot but I had missed Lilly even more.

"I missed you too honey, I missed you too." I whispered, "Where's mummy?"

She looked up at me and took my hand, dragging me towards her room. Once inside she dropped my hand and jumped into bed. It amazed me how she listens so well.

"Night mummy, night daddy," Lucy whispered, "Love you." She yawned and snuggled into bed.

"We love you too darling" with that Lilly got up off her bed and went to switch off the lights. "Sweet dreams Lucy" she whispered as she closed the door.

Lilliana hadn't acknowledged me at all yet and she brushed past me, walking to our bedroom. Had I done something wrong? I followed her inside and closed the door. She was standing by the mirror. Walking to her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear.

"I've missed you babe." Lilly turned around to look at me and I took the opportunity to lowers my lips to hers.

At first she was hesitant but then her soft lips kissed back with equal passion to my own. I manoeuvred us to the bed, never once taking my lips off hers.


I woke up with a jolt and opened my eyes. Bad mistake. The light was overwhelming so I closed them again. As I finally got my senses recollected I realised that I had had a very real and vivid dream about life with Lilliana. What was wrong with me? She probably hated me for all I knew.

Ugh. Not only had I had a dream which I was enjoying - wait! I was enjoying it? - but I felt shit. Well and truly shit. There was just no other way to describe it. I groaned and turned over wishing I could just fall asleep and replay it in my mind.

Apparently the mysterious person in my room had different ideas. They got out of the extremely squeaky chair that they were sat in and went out of the room. I sighed in relief, content in my cosy comfort. Of course my relief was short lived. Because a group of people traipsed in my room whispering to each other. I cursed them inwardly and moved the pillow so I was buried underneath it. Someone laughed quietly, it was a gorgeous tinkling sound and it was so soft that I almost missed it. But it was there and there was no doubt of it. Was I hearing noises now?

"So this is what he's like in the morning, no wonder his parents hate him so much!" I could kill Jace right now. What was he even doing here? Someone whacked him in the stomach and the sound was music to my ears.

"Ow! That hurt!" He complained loudly "Girls aren't meant to hit so hard!" They whacked him again but harder and I almost laughed. "Ok, ok! I'll apologise! Just stop whacking me!"

Jace cleared his throat. "Oh mighty half dead guy. I am extremely sorry for saying that your beloved parents hate you. It will not happen again." Then he muttered "Well, as long as these two aren't here to defend you anyway."

"Did you just call me a mighty half dead guy Jace?" I grumbled.

"Yeah he did" laughed, Carly was it? If she was here did that mean...?

"And since we knew it was gonna be good we have it recorded!" Lilly. She was here. She cared enough to stay. This didn't mean anything though. It shouldn't.

"You. Did. What?!" Growled Jace. I sat up, and turned to face them, all sleep forgotten This was going to be good and I didn't want to miss it.

A/N. So what do you guys think? Do you like it? Please please please comment and review! It means an awful lot to me to find out what you guys think! Any criticism is welcome as long as its not like "Go die in hell bitch, I hate this!" That would not be too nice.... Also if you really really really like this, there is a vote button, you could press it:D and fans are appreciated!

What do you think about Aidan's dream?:D I think that someone has it bad for Lilly

I would also like to thank my best friend who has believed in me from the start and put up with crazy ideas and mad chapters!! Also I would just like to dedicate this chapter to CrystalBeth who first introduced me to wattpad a couple of weeks ago! Who puts up with me all the way through english when i talk about crazy stuff like frogs and planes...dont ask!! and who also put up with me when i made bubbles depressing....Im sorry!!! Without her I would never have gotten the guts to write something like this!! And finally I would love to thank all you guys for reading this story so far:) more coming soon!! Maria xxxx

The Quarterback and the CheerleaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora