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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom. 

Wealth flowed from the very core of everyone who lived there, and the ones that did not have this form of wealth were thrown out. These non-wealthy beings were not known as some ridiculous people like "The Outsiders" or just "The Poor", no. They were considered the worst of the worst. They were considered the bottom of the barrel scum who did not deserve to breathe the air of those who were handed golden crowns at birth. They had to work for their food whilst the others lived in their silk robes and were fed by butlers who handed them their food on a silver platter. 

It was uneven. The balance was shaken and nobody knew how to fix it. 

This story does not have a happy ending...

It all started with a small flower. The people who lived on the inside in their fancy robes and houses didn't know where it came from, neither did they care. They just saw it as a flower growing around the old well in their central plaza. But, oh, were they wrong.

It grew and grew, slowly becoming a mass of white bell-shaped flowers and purple colored vines. They didn't know what they had been dealing with, so they let the professionals handle the situation. They stayed in their homes longer and anyone who owned a butler would send them out as fast as they could to get supplies to stay indoors. The men and women outside the walls had not been notified of this, however. They had no idea what was happening, and none of them had seen this coming.

The white bell flowers had grown in size and quantity and had reached the homes of many of the greedy folk that lived closest to the plaza. It took over block by block and every night a new group of houses had been covered in beautiful white bells. The real problem had not emerged.

It started with the young.

Some innocent kids who had been playing out in their back yards, too young to know the dangerous happenings around them. They just thought the flower looked pretty!

The kid swore that he didn't mean to let his little brother eat it! He promised! There was no way he would purposefully doom his whole kingdom, was there?

NO. of course not. he never meant for it to happen and he sure wouldn't let it happen again, not ever. But it didn't take long for his baby brother to grow a cough. He would wake everyone up at night, coughing like mad and crying. They thought that maybe it was just a common cold. Maybe their baby was alright? Not too long after the baby boy had started coughing, the young child did too.

So did the parents.

And then their neighbors.

All the while the flowers slowly grew over their houses and ended up encasing them all in a cocoon. It was a floral-scented and dark cocoon filled with flowers that nobody could seem to cut through and due to the sickness in the area, nobody was seemingly strong enough to even lift their heads high enough to stand anymore

There were a few remaining homes higher up in the land but all of the ones down low had been encased by the third month of the flowers plaguing the land.

The whole time, any and all who were able to, would try and obtain samples of the flower to submit for research. These samples didn't help as well as people thought that they would and the flowers seemed to grow even when detached from their source. They grew under glass captures and ended up bursting through anything that came near it.

The plant became more alive, had more control over where it moved and what it did.

Because it felt threatened.

It was not going to give up until every last one of the weak beings inside the walls of this kingdom had disappeared and lived no more.

It learned that humans needed to breathe to survive so it came after that as the main target, suffocating them by either growing inside the bodies or just covering the mouth and nose. They even went as far as to start gruesomely stabbing them in the stomach to get them out.

It didn't stop and everyone was too afraid to go anywhere or try to stop it. They all holed themselves up and did their best to keep the flowers out.

but they were all too late. There was no way that they could keep them out, as even the guards with the toughest armor in the land couldn't defeat so much as one vine coming at them. 

They tried and tried, sending out the strongest people they knew, gave them the best armor they had created, but nothing worked. The flowers still suffocated them, cocooned all of the guards in smaller little balls that would keep them from leaving, that left no room for their bodies to do so much as move, let alone slay them all. 

They were weak, and it was uneven. They were all captured and killed, either in a cocoon or inside, blocking off airways. Nobody was left, and the flowers started growing over kingdom walls.

This was horrifying to the lowly of the bunch because this could only mean one thing. Something happened to the wealthy, and it's coming for the poor.

But by the third day of the vines claiming down, they stopped. The froze in place and wilted. The flowers left on the wall bloomed and blossomed bigger and into brightly colored yellow and red roses.

There was a search of the inside. They found bones of those who once lived there. They chose to move, disregarding any of what had appeared to have happened.

They became greedy, and it happened. They all grew older, more mature, and then the flowers came. They were tortured and put through the same, but never once did the greedy adults of the new kingdom stop and look back on past occurrences, too busy protecting their weight in gold.

That was there ending.

The wealthy would never stop, and the cycle never ends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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