Chapter 1

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After saying goodbye to her parents and brother she elegantly walked onto the train to find her cousins and friends.
She found them in there normal compartment Lucius standing up when he saw her and opened the compartment door.
Talking his arm when offered they walked to the prefect compartment.
The prefect cabin was boring but she couldn't express it. It would make her look poor.
As she walked back to the compartment with Lucius she saw her brother and remembered the money that her mother wanted to give to him but he left to quickly
She knocked on the compartment to see Sirius and three others one black haired boy with glasses another with brown hair and scars on his face and a plump brown haired boy who looked like a rat. "Sirius" she said expressionless while nodding at her younger brother she felt in her pocket for the pouch of money and handed it to him he thanked her and she left.

She took Lucius arm again while walking to there compartment to where there friends were Bellatrix Black who was two years older in her 7th year and Narcissa Black who was a year younger and in her 4th year there was also Theodore Nott who was in his 5th year Rudolphus Lestrange in his 7th year Astoria Yaxley in her 4th year and Indiana Shafiq 5th year.
They sat down and made polite conversation until they arrived at hogwarts

She didn't listen to the sorting until "Black Sirius" there were whispers from other tables saying "he doesn't need to be sorted he's a black" she didn't listen to the comments as she gazed at the hat on-top of her brothers head "no black has ever taken that long I only took a second" she thought to herself remembering when she got sorted

' "Black Lana" the stern looking professor spoke She walked to the stool with confidence and posture
the hat was placed on top of her head "SLYTHERIN" it scream as it touch her head she smiled and walked to the slytherin table with pride'

She smiles at the memory as she kept her gaze on Sirius "GRYFFINDOR" the hat screamed her smile turned into a frown quickly removed to a blank expression
"Let the feast begin" we're the only words she heard of Dumbledores speech all the other houses were unmannered because they were all digging in with no table manners. She looked over to Gryffindor to see her brother also digging in as if he hadn't learnt manners at all she glared at the back of his head which he must of felt because he turned around to see her glaring at her she turned away

"First Years follow me" she spoke with confidence she looked at the first years to see many of whom she recognized from one of the many balls she attended she did not know there names but she knew they were purebloods but some she didn't recognize. She walked to the dungeons with Lucius and first years following "Remember the password is anguis" Lucius told the first years as he told the password to the stone wall. It opened up into a luxurious green and silver common room "boys upstairs to my left and girls to my right" She says sitting down upon one of the sofas closet to the fire the first years went up to there dorms to meet there roommates as Narcissa and Bellatrix sit down on the green couch beside there cousin. "Sirius is in Gryffindor" says a disgusted Bellatrix "You should write to your mother she will want to know" Narcissa speaks "I will if he doesn't" she says expressionlessly staring into the warm fire.

She woke up to find the room empty apart from her and Indiana. She quickly got dressed into her school robes and left downstairs to go to breakfast with Bella and Cissy. 
She sat down where she normal sat with Bella and Cissy she took a pancake and offered one to Bella and Cissy. After breakfast she made her way to the potions classroom with Indiana Lucius and Theodore
She sat at the front of proffered slug horns classroom beside her best friend Indiana with Lucius and Theodore behind them
"Welcome to year 5 potions today we will be making veritaserum turn to page 66 and make the potion"
After a boring class of what she already knew her Lucius and Theodore had a free period but Indiana has divination.
Her and her friends made there way out to the willow tree but when she got out she saw her brother and friends terrorizing a snake under the willow tree. She walked down to the willow tree with Lucius and Theodore following "Sirius let go of him" she spoke "why" he questioned "because I said" she answered "that's not a reason" he replied "Because I said so" she said more sternly while pulling out her wand and aiming at her brother He pointed his wand back and shot a spell at her she blocked easily " leave" she spoke to the 1st year while blocking another spell as Bellatrix and Rudolphus come out "Hex him" Bellatrix says as a crowd starts to form and James potter pulls out his wand to help his best friend They both send a spell which she blocks and she shoots a disarming spell which another one of sirius friend Remus Lupin blocks Lucius and Theodore both have there wands out Incase "DIDN'T SHE TELL YOU TO LEAVE " Lucius screams and the 1st year runs off at that as James send another spell as Lucius blocks you send another disarming spell this one successful and hits Sirius "Next time I find you terrorizing a snake it won't be a disarming spell" she snarls at her brother and walks off with Lucius Theodore Bella and Rudolphus making a parting through the crowd.

How's this????
I hope you enjoyed I enjoy making these in my spare time and I hope you enjoy reading them
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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