A Star Wars Story: The Mystery of Keiran Jin Dooku (Chapter 1-3)

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Readers Piece

An old proverb that relates to the changing of the guard springs to mind when I write this "As one soon raises so to must another set". Not a lot is written about count dooku other than his time in the jedi order and his time under Palapatine, this led me to want to bring something new and fresh for you all to read and fall in love with. Star Wars is built on the fans and they are the reason it is what it is today, as a fan to me this project was very special. I hope that you fall in love with the story and the characters as much as I have and remember, may the force be with you 

Chapter 1: Birth by Fire

The year is 20 BBY, the place is Serreno and what was about to happen was the beginning of something truly special to a young women called Christina. 9 months prior she had fallen in love with a notable noble man called count dooku and together they had come together to make a precious new life, Kieran Jin Dooku. Christina and Dooku had always been close as friends but they took it one step further and now the force had bestowed them a gift, a baby boy to the unknowing of the count himself. She named the boy after her lovers closest friend and of course his father. Little is there to speak of from Kierans childhood, he was born into an average family never knowing his father and never knowing his abilities, he was truly in the dark about his heritage and the powers he possessed.

Keiran attended the local school and was always an outstanding student, always exceeding expectations throughout his years and being a beloved child among the community. Everyone knew the boy and thought well of him. However this was soon all to change and things would never b the same again.

One day in 5 BBY after the rise of the empire most systems including Serenno feel into line and all would sub-come to the will of the Empire, a group of rebellion fighters who opposed the opressive regimen had staged a daring assault on a local armoury, this did not end well for the rebels being dispatched with ease by the garrisons well trained storm troopers. Rather then end it there within the hour all the troops from the garrison were evacuated and move to the star destroyer in orbit of the planet. When this happened there was a chill in the air, cold and sharp. Kieran was 15 now and still totally unaware of his vast potential powers, but all this was soon to be revealed. Hundreds of miles above the planets surface on the very same star destroyer the garrison had been moved too a message was relayed to a nearby super star destroyer coded "Rebel sympathisers found, go ahead for orbital bombardment over". This was the day things would never be the same for our young hero.

Kieran's mother was a regular human, no force powers or abilities and in truth that would have saved her life. As if from no where right above Kieran's town came a super star destroyer, that feeling of fear, sharp, crips and cold was still in the air as an eiry silence engulfed the town. At that very moment when the silence fell so too did the death and destruction that empire would bring to bear. A blazing light of green and red ion cannons and blaster turrets began to lay waste to this small peaceful town, buildings began to fall, topal and collapse around the towns folk with lives being taken from every line of sight. It was ruthless and without pause, eventually one of those ion blasts found its way to keirans home, scared for his life his mother moved them both into the cellar, tears streaming down her face she grabbed her son "listen to me! Please my son please just listen, this is important, I have to go see if I can help the shelling seems to have stopped but you must stay here okay? I promise I WILL return for you my love" weeping in silence she placed her hand on her young sons cheek, managing to to summon up the courage to release a small ammonite of voice "You're so much like your father Kieran, he would do the same" tears streaming as she turned to run back up the cellar stairs. "Mother no please don't go! Mom please please please" Kieran too was scared and upset, tears streaming down each cheeck, having never felt so scared before in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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