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"P-please S-stop."

She looked at the bloody male on the ground, his eye was beginning to bruise and blood ran freely down his face. Cuts littered his person, his arm was broken and stuck out at an odd angle.

Her hands were bloody and scratched, cuts also were visible on her skin, she was no doubt in pain but paid no attention it. 

Her eye's glowed with restricted power, and the shadows around them grew. The sun was blocked out and they were consumed in the darkness. 

The boy's eyes widened and his pupils dilated in fear. In the darkness, he felt cold sweat go down his back. Then he saw it...

He let out a blood-curling scream and started begging for his life. 

The girl held her outstretched hand in front of her, the boy in front of her had his mouth open in a silent scream. The pants he wore became noticeably darker, and she wrinkled her nose disgusted. 

 After a couple of moments, he went limp. The girl stalked forward and kicked his leg. He didn't move, she kicked him again but this time harder. 

An audible crack resounded in her ears, it took the body in front of her a moment to react before he sprung up and clutched his leg. He made sobbing noises, and tears mixed in with the blood that was on his face. 

She crouched down and grabbed his short hair pulling until his face was close to hers. 

" Who am I?" 

The boy gritted his teeth and opened his bloodied mouth and let out a shacking response. 

"King of the Night."

She nodded and let go of his hair, He sat on his knees and stared at the demonic girl in front of him. 

She noticed his staring and narrowed her eyes, "Go to sleep."

She punched him in the face and he fell back with a thud. His nose was broken, and he passed out. 

The girl stood up and turned away from his body, She stood in an alleyway in the back of her school. All around her, bodies were bloody and broken. 

She paid them no mind and stepped out of the alley. 

A tall man faced her, his salt and peppered hair was styled neatly in a short military cut. His face had a large scar on it and ran to his hairline down his face and ended at his chin. His face was cold and showed nothing, the only sign his was boiling with anger was the subtle tick in his jaw. 

"It's nice to see you, Raven Hunter."


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