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[Song The Girls Performed Their Ballet Pieces to ]
• 5am my alarm clock went off. That's what time we had to get up and be at the studio. The piece we were performing today is nothing new, aside from the creative piece we had to make up, we also had to learn a constructive dance piece. The song we were dancing to was Seconds by Ghost Loft. I adored this song and absolutely loved the dance. I got out of bed and headed for the shower.

Knock knock) I ran to the door to find Jill greeting me happily. I rolled my eyes playfully , do you just wake up happy I said walking to my bedroom. When am I not happy Noni she said jumping on the couch , I mean Daylan Pryor is coming to our school today. I signed , loud enough for her to hear me. Did you even attempt to listen to his music she yelled. I was dressed already and walking out my bedroom , Jill honey I don't care to listen to his music , he's probably cocky and ungrateful I said rolling my eyes. Noni he's not she said grabbing her coat. Come on Jill we have a dance to worry about.

Hello Ladies, I am your dance instructor Miss Lily. You girls can just call me Lily. I usually don't tend to rush performances but we have something big happening today. The famous Daylan Pryor will be coming here to see you all perform. What's in it for us I said with a minor attitude. Would you care to introduce yourself young lady. Oh hi I'm sorry, my name is Noni, I'm from Harlem. The class waved and the room grew silent. Well miss Noni , if Mr.Pryor is impressed with what he sees, he will be sponsoring our school which will help tremendously on your part with finances and so fourth. So ladies please assume your positions , we will greet later on.

• Daylan let's go , you move slower than my grandma called Kathy from downstairs. Alright I barked back. I'm so angry, I could be playing 2k with Bieber right now but instead I have to go watch a bunch of girls dance. Now usually I wouldn't be complaining but it's ballet , I mean who doesn't get bored with ballets ? DAYLAN Kathy screamed from downstairs. Oh my lord I grabbed my phone and my headphones and headed down stairs and into the car. It was about a 20 minute drive when we finally arrived at the school. I must admit this school was beautiful. I got out the car to the press of course surrounding every aspect of my life. I didn't even have breathing space. This was the normal for me tho that's why I had body guards, Bruce and Leo been down with since I was 7.

I was greeted by a middle aged women , Good evening Kathy & Mr.Pryor can I offer you any refreshments. I was about to answer when I was cut off by Kathy "We are fine, thank you which way to theater " I looked at Kathy with a frustrated face in which she pointed to her clock. That always meant we were on a timed schedule. Leo tossed me a granola bar and we proceeded to the performance.
There were a lot of people there and when I walked in, everyone went wild. I smiled and walked to the reserved section up in the front. The curtain opened and my god there was some bad joints on this stage. I sat back and watched as each beautiful lady pranced and swirled and twisted their bodies into shapes I couldn't even think of. There was one that caught my eye in particular. She was lightskin, long hair, chinky eyes and a nice body. The way she let loose on that stage made my attraction focus on her the most. She really lost herself in the music. I didn't even realize that the performance was over before I was bum rushed by one of the dancers. My name is Jill and I L O V E you like OMG I love love love your song , I sing it every morning , in the afternoon , at night , this chick was talking so fast I couldn't even hear her I started to back away when she started singing. Daylan let's go Kathy called from up front. I gotta go to the bathroom , make it quick Kathy said before disappearing out the back door.

Bruce and Leo followed me to the bathroom , standing outside to make sure I was safe. I couldn't get this girl out my mind, I was practically mesmerized by her beauty. I finished up in the bathroom and proceeded out the door. We had to take the back way cause the press was all up in the front. Not looking where I was going I bumped into a girl knocking her to the ground. I quickly turned around to help her up, im so sorry ma'am let me get that, I said grabbing her bag. Thank you she said & I then realized that she was the one who was dancing gracefully on stage, I stared at her, she was beautiful, Do I know you ? she said smiley weirdly. Breaking the stare , sorry I just , you were just, you did a fantastic job on stage. Thank you , I appreciate that. Leo nudged my shoulder pointing to his phone that read Kathy across the screen. I signed and put up 5 fingers gesturing 5 more minutes. Just as the mystery girl was turning around I grabbed her arm, so do you have a name I said smiling , Noni she smiled back. Noni I said aloud well I'm pretty sure you know who I am already. She looked at me Puzzled, I turned my head to the side , Daylan Pryor ring a bell I said smiling. Her face didn't change so I figured she didn't have a clue. I sing vibe , you know " open up your mind " I said humming she still looked confused. Ohhh she said slapping her head , you're the guy that's in charge of the new costume designs aren't you. I looked at her confused, I'm a celebrity Noni. Well that's nice Daylan that is , I appreciate you helping me up but I really have to go she said before turning away. I stood there for a second recalling everything that just took place. I had to call the bro.

Dontae: bro she didn't know who you were ?
~Nah man, I was like the fuck? How she ain't know me. I'm everywhere
Dontae: wow man , maybe you need to find shawty, since she don't know you, this could be a good one
~Bro, I'm still not convinced , she prolly pulled that whole lil act so that she could get my attention
Dontae: well it worked
~Shut up
Dontae: then forget about her, stop complaining about it, anyway party starts at 7
~Now bro you know I can't go to a house party in the hood
Dontae: nigga you were raised here, don't forget about where you come from

I signed and hung up the phone. Noni , I thought to myself. Maybe I will try to get on that. She's cute, she's educated , shit and she pretended to act like she didn't know who I was , that's dedication right there , I bet if I surprise her with another visit , she'll be so hype to go out on a date with the famous Daylan Pryor.

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