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Ok, I know that some of my friends and girlfriend know about this account (yes girlfriend got a problem with that, then here's the door🚪)

Well to start of, does anyone regret being to loud or awkward ect? Whenever I finish a conversation all I can think about is how much I screwed up. To all my friends, I'm sorry I'm always so... so stupid and dumb and full of drama and wrong all the time, sorry. I'm sorry to the people who read my book, I know it's bad and poorly written. I'm sorry to my brother who hates me, probably for a good reason that I'm to stupid to see. I'm sorry to all my friends on the internet who probably hate me and talk bad about me behind my back because of how stupid I am. I'm sorry to my parents who probably think that I'm lazy or moody or a jerk. I'm sorry to everyone who I think is gonna talk bad about me when I'm not there, I wouldn't blame you. I'm sorry to my teachers who had to teach me, had to see how bad of a student I was, to see how much of a crybaby I was When I got in trouble. I'm sorry I'm such a disgrace. I'm sorry I don't care a lot about little details. I'm sorry that I keep doing things wrong, that I keep saying things wrong. I'm sorry that I make up stories of events with real life people that are never gonna happen.I'm sorry that I'm weird. I'm sorry that I don't tell anyone when I'm hurt or sick or in pain. I'm sorry to all people who have had the displeasure of meeting me.

Sincerely -Yin

P.s sorry to bother you more but, if I forgot to add something to this list, just speak up about it, thanks.

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