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Math is in no way my strong suit, I would have gotten into a better class if my math was higher, But numbers are a subject I think about often. Today is the 14th of June the 14th of every month is my favorite day because for the past two years I would get assigned the number 14.

I can't do multiplication facts like 7x8 (56 I think) in my head, but I can remember what 12x12 is (144) or what 7x9 is (63) what is wrong with me? am I just too f***ed up that I can't think straight, am I too stressed out all the time that I fried my brain?

I can't remember stuff I've learned in math over the quarantine, am I a bad student? should I let the teachers know that or would they treat me as more of an idiot than what they are already gonna think? 

sincerely -Yin

p.s you don't have to read this it's more of a journal or whatever that I can read again sorry, for wasting your time...

ventingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora