Harry Potter DOESN'T stinks!

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Harry Potter DOESN'T stinks!

Cedric Diggory took a deep breath as he enjoyed one of the rare moments of peace and silence since he had been selected by the Goblet of Fire to attend the Triwizard Tournament.

Moments like this were usually interrupted by a classmate who congratulated him on his hands with good wishes and patted on the shoulders. Cedric obviously felt extremely flattered by the attention received, but the truth was that he was too exhausted by the last two tasks, in which was : the first was to steal the golden egg from a dragon who had left him on the school hospital wing for an entire day and the second was to have to swim for an hour in the Black Lake amid the merpeople, save his friend's life with little visibility AND freezing water.

Looking at his feet, he could notice an object partially hidden by the grass, near the bench where he was sitting, in which probably some student left drop.

As he picked it up, the young man frowned, knowing exactly what it was.

One of the infamous badges in which was his face with the words "Support Cedric Diggory" that turned into the photo of his competitor of the fourth year, Harry Potter with the words "Potter Stinks".

He frowned as his fingers smoothed the object that had been distributed by the Slytherin students (rumor had it been Draco Malfoy who had made it) and used by most students. He never supported the initiative; on the contrary, he insisted on making his disapproval clear, asking his closest friends to avoid using it, as it was a disrespect to the younger competitor who was walking the Hogwarts corridors with the greatest dignity possible, something in which Cedric admired in depth, for he wondered whether he had the same moral fiber to keep his head held high when others called him a liar or insulted him on the corridors.

As he walked reluctantly to his Potions class, Cedric looked once more for the badge, which changed again to Harry's face, making him shake his head to the words written on it.

That was wrong.

Deeply wrong.

Harry Potter doesn't stinks, on the contrary, he smelled good.

In fact, really good for a 14-year-old boy, who in general usually smelled, at best, like a sweaty Quidditch uniform. No... Harry didn't smells like that, and Cedric knew it well, for he himself has had plenty of opportunities to feel and memorize Harry's scent over the past few months.




The first time Cedric felt the Harry's scent, was when he and his father, Amos Diggory met with the Weasleys to travel through a portkey to watch the opening of Quidditch World Cup. When he saw the red-haired family, he was surprise to see that besides Arthur, his children and Hermione Granger, Harry Potter would also accompany them as well.

As he looked at Harry, Cedric remembered the first time he had seen him when he was in his third year and Harry would begin his first year at Hogwarts.

Cedric grew up listening the history of the Boy-Who-Lived, how he, a baby, was able to reduce to almost nothing the terrible You-Know-Who, turning his name to a legend among the Witch Community. Cedric, like many of his age had in his mind an idealized image in which Harry was a strong, sturdy, heroic boy.


When the Sorting Hat called Harry's name and the Great Hall was in silence, Cedric could see that the mental image he had built didn't come close to reality: At 11 years old, Harry Potter was a twig in form of boy, with messy dark hair, wearing round glasses and incredibly tiny for the age he had. Was that tiny boy that defeated the Dark Lord? He blinked in surprise. Anyway, the boy was sorted to Gryffindor and soon made his name, again, in History by becoming the youngest seeker since a long time, something in which Cedric would, some time later, see the talent of the boy by flying on a broom.

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