Chapter 19

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//; kek guys stop saying sorry in the last chapter before i smack some wholesomeness in tomorrow's updates >:( it's not your fault, babies, i just felt shitty- now quit feeling bad and enjoy my updates :)

Screams filled the air, along with sirens blasting every second, from which car nobody knew. At this point, the capital was turning into a battle, with buildings being burnt down, and people suffering severe injuries. A particularly large crowd was forming, with black people at the front lines. The National Guard was approaching at a steady pace, and once they were close enough, the front-liners called out, "White barrier!" White people behind them formed a defensive barrier, separating the protesters from the National Guard. This caused them to stop marching towards the crowd, unsure of what to do next. The leader yelled, "Keep marching! To protect the president!" However, one by one, few members started kneeling, and the leader turned around, furious. "What are you jack asses doing?! Keep marching!" Riot took this as the chance to join the crowd, and you followed alongside him, staying behind him. A collective amount of 'no's chorused in unison, before the leader muttered something underneath his breath.

He took a gun and started shooting at the crowd, making it disperse. Rubber bullets. He had a maniacal and wicked smirk on his face, his eyes widening with delight as he heard the screams of those hurt. You ran after Riot, before you shrieked out in pain, feeling a rubber bullet hit you on your thigh. "You fucking shithead!" You yelled out as the tall male turned around and noticed you'd gotten hit. "Y/N, you're hurt! Nope, we're going back, and you're gonna stay while me and the other get our gear on," he told you as he picked you up, making a dash for his car. "We gotta keep protesting!" you retorted, before Riot gave you a frown, one that showed empathy. "You horse dung, of course I know we have to keep protesting, but how? We're not safe. We need our gear. You already got hit, imagine how pissed off Tank will be after hearing that!" He replied, before placing you in the backseat, and immediately turning the car on as he got into the front seat. "Fair point."

As the car arrived home, Tank ran to the door excitedly, before noticing you were limping, and a large bruise was forming on your thigh. "R-Riot, what happened?" he asked, his eyes watering slightly. The dark-skinned male just turned his head, before muttering, "She got hit. They've gone berserk, Tank, they're willingly going to shoot into crowds." You simply nodded, and your boyfriend's breath stopped harshly, obviously enraged. You limped towards him, and he picked you up, holding you close to him. The pain was bringing tears to your eyes, and your thigh continued throbbing in pain, before the silver-haired male brought you inside, placing you on the table. Riot entered after, his expression being sad, obviously, but what could he do? He'd put you in danger. Tank took out the first aid kit and started tending to your wound, just as you had to him so long ago.

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