38. Magnanimous Moving

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Song: Please Don't Say You Love Me- Gabrielle Aplin

"Dad, we really don't need help from you and Mum. We've got it all figured out for just Drake and I to move things back and forth, it may take a few da-"

"Nonsense! The proper way to move is all in one day, we can even help you unpack. Hermione, you surely can't expect us to just let our little girl do this alone." Wendel hounded on her through the phone. He was on speaker as Hermione and Draco leaned over the counter to hear him.

Draco laughed at Wendel's comment, "She won't be alone, I'm sure I'll be lifting more than she will." He earned a punch for this. "I am just as capable as you are!"

"Oh, really now? Can you lift a side of the couch without charms?" Hermione grumbled and rolled her eyes at the blonde.

Wendel seemed to be trying to fill the silence, "So will you come pick us up? We really do want to help with the move."

She bit her lip, staring down at the phone, "Well, Drake already planned on moving the furniture while I'm gone at work. I guess if he's willing he could come get you guys. Though I doubt we'll have enough energy to bring you home so you may have to stay the night." She looked for his approval but instead he spoke it.

"I could totally do that. Though it'll be hard for you to transport objects and yourselves back and forth through the fireplace. I can charm it, I suppose. Do you have a time best for you? Is Allison tagging along?" Draco seemed a bit happy to see her parents as it had been almost a month since the last time, though he had few good memories of that visit.

Wendel sighed heavily, covering the speaker so they couldn't hear it. He detested the idea of spending all day with his, Death Eater, daughter's boyfriend. He hated even more that traveling with the young adult meant having to touch him. Allison and Monica may slighyly enjoy him but Wendel still didn't trust his background. Still, he had to try and be nice for sake of his little girl.

"How 'bout 'round nine? I can get the Mrs and Allison all ready to go by then. Will that do?" It bothered Draco that Wendel spoke so relaxed, like he didn't care if what he'd said was total gibberish. "That will work for me. I'll start getting ready now, if we get back quick enough we may just catch Herms before she goes to work."

Hermione smiled at the men who seemed to be getting along and as the call was settled the couple both got dressed and ready for the day. She wore black slacks and her Weasley sweater as today was rather chilly. He wore jeans and a t-shirt so sleeves wouldn't catch on the staples of furniture nor would he be boiling by the time they'd moved it all.

Hermione kissed him goodbye before he apparated to a small country home in Australia. He was already not enjoying their weather nor the exhaustion of going such a far distance in literal seconds. "Hello Grangers." He smiled at them in their driveway.

They all waved a greeting and Allison came to hug him. The nine year old barely reached his waist and he saw no reason to wait around in awkward silence. The older Grangers came to him as he called them over. "Alright, this will be a lot safer if we hold more that just hands. Allison just keep hugging me, that'll work. Monica could you come to this side? Wendel, opposite of Monica if you could." The group was in a four-way hug when Draco gave them the warning of side apparation inducing nausea.

The huddle became closer while traveling but quickly distanced at their arrival. Draco regretted moving so much mass from so far away at one time. He immediately went to the kitchen and got himself water before plopping down on the couch next to Hermione.

His body ached and the water was gone faster than expected, prompting him to conjure more rather than go back to the kitchen. Standing shakily, he joined the Grangers as they stood in the family room.

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