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I have suffered the harsh sting of a blade

And the dull ache of a new bruise,

Yet those things could never compare

To the pain of losing you.

I would trade any given life for yours

I really don't care how selfish that may sound,

But once something as treasured as you is lost

It can never again be found.

I want to scream and cry

I want to beat the walls until the bones of my knuckles poke through,

I want to feel anything other than this. No,

What I really want is to once again feel the warmth of you.

It's like I'm in the middle of the ocean

And I can try my best to swim to another place,

But eventually the waves pull me into the darkness

And no matter where I look, all I can see is your face.

I just miss you so much

I don't know what to do or say,

All I know is I've never felt pain like this

And it stubbornly refuses to go away.

I wish it helped that you saved her life

I wish it helped that you saved them all,

Yet my heart is still beyond shattered

And my tears will continue to fall.

Big brother, there's too much to be said

But not enough words or time,

I hope you've held me in your heart

Because I will forever hold you in mine.

I love you more than words can say

More than the sun, the stars, and the moon,

More than the oceans, the lakes, and the rivers

Yes, it's true I love you. And we will meet again soon.

I could go on forever

But it won't bring you back,

It will just continue to hurt my heart

And turn it to black.

I will leave you with these last few words

Wherever you are, I hope you can hear me say,

I will never forget you, I will always love you

You are a hero, and you really did save the day.

My Depression PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now