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They could hear the noise and music from the cantina before they could see it. Nico, Odette and Corso walked into a haze of smoke and spacer stench.

"What a dump," Odette said. "Darmas plays sabacc here?"

"I guess so," Corso said, looking around. "He said his private rooms are in the back."

They walked through the maze of people. Several young Twilek girls tried to hang off of Nico and Corso. Nico just brushed by them but Corso looked like a mynock zapped by a blaster bolt when one grabbed onto his jacket and whispered in his ear. Odette grabbed the kid's sleeve and pulled him through the crowd.

"We don't have time for you to ogle the cantina girls," she hissed at him.

"Do know what she just said to me?" Corso said, sputtering.


Ahead of them there seemed to be a distinct line between the regular rabble that inhabited the cantina and an area in the back as they approached. Well-dressed guards were set up inconspicuously along the perimeter. The trio were waved through a discreet door in the back. The contrast inside to what was outside was staggering.

Swank carpeting overlaid the floor setting off the luxurious upholstery of the furniture and sabacc tables. Glamourous women lazily wandered the floor as other fancy-dressed patrons drank at the dark wood bar. Nico already stood at the counter, flagging down a bartender. The whole mood was set by stained glass lamps and light fixtures and soft jazzy music playing over top of everything.

Looking around, there seemed to be a crowd at one particular sabacc table. Corso and Odette made their way over to where a Rodian gangster leaned back against his chair, watching his opponent's next move. Odette recognized the man from Corso's holo.

Darmas was flanked by two humanoid females in slinky dresses watching the game impassively. It was no wonder. Darmas was much better looking in person and there was an air of confidence and magnetism that radiated off of him. He leaned forward, inspecting his hand, only occasionally glancing up at the Rodian. He took one last sip from an amber liquid in a tumbler before throwing his hand to the table. The Rodian hopped to his feet in shock as the women around Darmas cheered. Though Darmas's face hadn't changed much, Odette seemed to see a smug glint in his eye as he collected his winnings.

"Darmas," Corso said, approaching the older man.

"Corso, my boy, it is good to see you," Darmas said, said in a velvety baritone voice. "Let's go over to my corner booth so we can talk a bit more privately."

When Darmas noticed that Odette followed them, he turned to her with a charming smile. "My apologies, but you are more radiant than a Tatooine sunset."

He came to her side and took her hand, gallantly kissing it. The gesture and smile nearly overwhelmed Odette with the sudden onslaught of charisma and seductiveness. "Darmas Pollaran, at your service."

"Charmed, I'm sure. Definitely better looking in person than on holo." Odette said, as Darmas took her arm and led her to his private lounge.

"Isn't he a little old for you, Captain?" Corso mumbled to her as she walked by.

"Don't listen to the boy," Darmas said. "Flattery will get you everywhere coming from a beautiful woman. Feel free to compliment me anytime, my dear." He waited for her to seat herself before he took the seat next to her.

"I am truly sorry to hear about Viidu," Darmas said. "He was a man of rare refined taste and a terrible sabacc player. He will be missed. But it's like I always say – life is like sabacc. The trick is to quit while you're ahead so you can enjoy your winnings—exactly how I plan to spend my twilight years."

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