The Best Friend Anthem

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A song and scene I wrote. Please enjoy!

The Best Friend Anthem

(You might not know Claire, but it doesn't really matter. Just know she's Zayn's girlfriend instead of Bitch...I mean Perrie. No, wait...I meant the first thing...)

(This is a scene, not really the song yet.)

Zayn helped Claire get the last of her suitcases out of the car.

“Do you really have to leave?” Niall asked, tears forming in his eyes.  

Claire nodded. “I don't want to...but I've got to. My grandmother needs me to be back home with her in Dubai, and I have to tend to her...”

All five of the boys faces fell with sadness.

“Oh...” Harry said, “Well...that's important. You need to go...she needs you more than we do...”

Sophie sighed and held Harry's hand. “You're right, Love...”

Harry leaned his head overtop of Sophie's.

Zayn was silent. All he did was nod. He couldn't even believe this was happening.

Claire sighed. “Chin up, mates! I hate to see you so bummed!”

Louis shook his head. “My bestest mate is going away forever.”

“Not forever...I might be back someday. And I'll come see you all.” Claire said.

Niall buried his face in Liam's shoulder. “Okay...” He said, his voice muffled by Liam's shirt and shaky with tears.

Liam put his arm around the Irish boy and patted his friend's back.

Claire felt tears come into her own eyes, just seeing Niall like that. “” her voice was shaky, too, “I love you guys. All of you.”

“We love you, too...” Louis said, “A lot.”

“More than you could ever understand...” Liam said, “But duties are duties...”

“Harry...Promise me...promise me you'll...” Claire began, “Take good care of Sophie. And your hair. And never stop smiling. Show the world your dimples, Love.”

Harry smiled and nodded. “I promise.”

“Good...” she smiled lightly. “Liam...” She began again, “Promise me you'll always care for the other boys...Daddy Direction.”

Liam smiled and nodded, hugging Niall a little tighter to show he meant it.

“And...Don't let Danielle end your world. You're a really cute, loving, and sensitive guy. Breaking up with her did you a favor, Love. You'll find the real one for you, I know it.”

“Thanks...” Liam said, “I promise I won't stop looking.”

“Ace.” She leaned forward, comfortingly, “Niall?”

“Hmm?” A wet blue eye looked at her.

“Promise me you'll always play your guitar with pride. Don't let anyone knock you down, Love.”

“Okay...” he nodded from behind Liam's shoulder.

“And, Niall?”


“You're not ugly. You're beautiful.”


“No, I mean it!” She said, “you're really beautiful and don't let anyone say otherwise, not even yourself.”

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