Maybe not?

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I'm not one for talking, I was always a loner and never wanted to socialize but that all changed when my parents sent me to high school.

I was homeschooled my whole life, only ever made 2 friends. What was I supposed to do when I walked into the doors of hell? Well, here's what happened.

As I walked into the school I thought to myself, "how am I going to survive? " Dramatic I know. But I was always a loner and never really went out and made friends that was about to change dramatically.

As I parked my Chevy Volkeswagen, I opened the doors and sighed in frustration, why you may ask. Because I stepped in a damn puddle. "Great." I thought to myself. I slammed the car door shut and walked twords hell (aka school) and sighed accidentally running into someone I used to play with as a child.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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