Heartfelt Conversation

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A beautiful garden is shown with a huge fountain in the middle, there was a light breeze and the weather was pleasant

Ragini is sitting on the bench staring at the moon

A man is standing behind her

Man: Hey

Ragini gets scared, she turns back and lets out a sigh of relief

It was Sanskar

Ragini: U scared me

Sanskar: u scared all of us

Ragini sighs

Sanskar sits on the bench with her

Ragini: U remembered this place

Sanskar: Yeah I was the only who caught u coming here when u came out of your room through your window by the ladder when we were kids, and then we made a pact that we won't tell anyone about this place, as u were right this place is so beautiful and peaceful

Ragini smiles

Ragini: U were the only one who could catch me sneaking out in so many years

Sanskar smiles sadly

Sanskar: Why did u come here?

Ragini: Its just so pleasant and peaceful here

Sanskar: We both know u only come here when u r upset, stressed, disappointed or angry. And owning to the situation, I think u r feeling all of it

Ragini smiles sadly

Ragini: U know me well

Sanskar(keeping his hand on her head): yeah since u r my little sister sweetheart

Ragini looks at him with glassy eyes and then sighs

Ragini: I don't want to face ma and papa

Sanskar: why? Ragu, sumi maa raised you as her own kid

Ragini: I know, but don't u think I deserve to know about the one who gave me birth, who brought me into this world, if not me atleast she deserves that her child knows about her

Sanskar looks at her

Sanskar: yes but they didn't want u to get hurt

Ragini: Jiju truth comes out some day, even if u try to hide it

Sanskar: Yeah may be that is what the destiny was

Ragini: what do u mean?

Sanskar: let me put in this way, u know whenever we watch a show for the first time, we are very interested in it because we don't know what is coming in for us, but when we watch it the next time, we don't have the same level of excitement. And even If we get a spoiler, we lose interest to some extent.U know why it is, it is beacuse joy is in the mystery. We don't know what will be in our way, and that is what makes us keep going as we want to unravel life. Just think if they told it to u when u were a child, u might not be able to handle it and would sink into depression which would have caused a major effect on your mental health. Maybe what they did was correct according to the circumstances. Being a child u wouldn't be able to discuss it

Ragini: Thank you jiju for making me understand it

Sanskar smiles

Ragini: can I ask u a question?

Sanskar: offcourse

Ragini: That means u do believe that we should talk to others about our problems to have a healthy state of mind?

Sanskar: yes offcourse

Ragini: Then please tell me what happened between u and DP papa. He is ur dad but u don't talk to him nicely. I know there is something that is bothering u and u r distressed about something. That thing will kill u inside. Please share it with me, I don't want to lose u

Sanskar looks at her

Ragini: Remember its better to speak up before u decide to give up...


So guys, I know in today's update it was just Ragini and Sanskar but this scene was important, both for the story and for what is going on.....

Please it's my request: Speak up before u give up

I know I am not much close to anyone on wattpad. No one knows me personally but believe me, I want to hear everything u want to share with ur closed one. Please share what ever disturbs u but don't keep it inside yourself. It will kill you. And moreover it would be easy to share with a person, who u don't know personally but who will for sure not judge u, and for sure ur conversation will be limited to that person only. Conversation with that anonymous person will be comforting. I just want to tell u all, I will be there if u guys need to share anything, without judging you.

And One more thing, there a lot of news about colour discrimination that still prevails in the world, especially USA and till some extent in India as well. Please don't judge someone based on the colour of their skin, u r no one to decide who is beautiful or who is a criminal based on their skin colour. U don't know what is God's definition of beauty or goodness , so don't make it yourself. Don't judge someone based on their skin colour. Respect every colour, gender, religion, caste equally. Don't body shame anyone. It doesn't matter if a person is black or white, fat or thin, short or good heighted. U don't know what they are going through. What matters is how their nature is. Some people are very rich in terms of cash but way poor is terms of heart, while there are some people who are poor in terms of cash but way rich in terms if heart


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