chapter 4 the dwma

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chapter 4 the dwma 

fire was all i felt. a horrible sensation. that lead into the flashback. "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" i screamed. maka and soul came running in. soul had his arm in scythe form. "what happened?" they said practically in unison. "oh um.. it was nothing" i said. soul went back to bed, while maka stayed in the room i was staying in with me. "its OK, you can tell me." maka said. so i explained to her about my flashbacks. " its like an hour till school starts id better get dressed" maka said. "is there a dress code there?" i asked. "not that i know of" she said "why?". i enrolled my self in school" i said. i put on my average apparel (a red dress with stitches and black shoes). then me, maka, and soul headed off to school. "i'll take you to the death room to get a weapon" maka said. we entered a large room and walked down a long hallway and a man greeted us. "wazup wazup wazup" he said. i could not help  but smile. "hello lord death. we have a new student Emma and she needs a weapon" maka said. "well we just got a new weapon in need of a miester." lord death said "his name is Jackson. he is in the crescent room class i believe you are in the same class as him" me and maka walked back to class together. when we got to class a man with red hair gushed when he saw maka " my maka is back ! oh and who do you have with you?" he said. "Emma" she said. "OK you can have a seat next to maka" he said ( i could see little hearts when he said maka). 


the next day

i heard a familiar sound. "oh no, maka hide me!" i said. "OK get under the desk" she said. so i did. i heard a familiar voice. "maka" they said "here" maka said. "Emma?". "h-here"i said. the man slowly walked up the steps to my desk, grabbed the back of my collar and dragged me out side. "i see you are a new student here" i could smell of cigarette smoke. it was dad. i could not bear to look at him. luckily maka came to the rescue. "dr. stein we have to start the lesson" she said.

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